Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2005] FOY, Danièle
Les vitres d’époque mamelouke de la citadelle de Damas -
[2005] KUCHARCZYK, Renata
Les vitres des thermes de Marea (Égypte) -
“Le bain de lumière” : le hammam du gouverneur de la forteresse de Ṣadr au centre du Sinaï -
[2005] WHITEHOUSE, David
Glass from the Crusader Castle at Montfort -
[2005] WYPYSKI, Mark T ; PILOSI, Lisa
Preliminary Compositional Study of Glass from the Crusader Castle at Montfort -
[2004] AMITAI-PREISS, Nitzan
Glass and Metal Finds -
[2003] BALLET, Pascale
Le verre -
[2003] FREESTONE, Ian C
Primary Glass Sources in the Mid First Millennium AD -
[2003] SHINDO, Yoko
Islamic Glass Finds from Raya, Southern Sinai -
Origins of Byzantine Glass from Maroni Petrera, Cyprus -
[2001] KRIZANAC, Milica
Medieval Glass from the Cathedral of St. Tripun at Kotor -
[2001] SCANLON, George T. ; PINDER-WILSON, Ralph
Fustat Glass of the Early Islamic Period: Finds excavated by The American Research Center in Egypt, 1964-1980 -
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
Glass from Monasteries and Chapels in South Sinai -
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Glass Vessels from Khirbet Ṭabaliya (Givʿat Hamaṭos) -
[1999] KATSNELSON, Natalya
Glass Vessels from the Painted Tomb at Migdal Ashqelon
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013