Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Ancient Glass Industry in Israel. Summary of the Finds and New Discoveries -
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
Glass from Monasteries and Chapels in South Sinai -
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
Glass Vessels from a Burial at Bet Sheʾan -
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Glass Vessels from Khirbet Ṭabaliya (Givʿat Hamaṭos) -
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Glass Vessels -
[2000] HADAD, Shulamit
Incised Glass Vessels from the Umayyad and Abbasid-Fatimid Periods at Bet Shean, Israel -
[1999] FOY, Danièle
Lampes de verre à Fostat: le mobilier des fouilles d’Istabl ʿAntar -
[1999] FREESTONE, Ian C. ; GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Great Glass Slab at Bet Sheʿarim, Israel: An Early Islamic Glassmaking Experiment ? -
[1999] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
Glass Vessels from Ras Abu Maʿaruf (Pisgat Zeʾev East A) -
[1999] KATSNELSON, Natalya
Glass Vessels from the Painted Tomb at Migdal Ashqelon -
[1999] KRÖGER, Jens
Fusṭāṭ and Nishapur. Questions about Fatimid Cut Glass -
[1999] LESTER, Ayala ; ARNON, Yael D. ; POLLAK, Rachel
The Fatimid Hoard from Caesarea: A Preliminary Report -
[1998] BAILEY, Donald M.
Excavations at El-Ashmunein V: Pottery, Lamps and Glass of the Late Roman and Early Arab Periods -
[1998] CARBONI, Stefano
Gregorio’s Tale; or, Of Enamelled Glass Production in Venice -
Gilded and Enamelled Glass in al-Andalus
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013