Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[1999] LESTER, Ayala ; ARNON, Yael D. ; POLLAK, Rachel
The Fatimid Hoard from Caesarea: A Preliminary Report -
[1998] BAILEY, Donald M.
Excavations at El-Ashmunein V: Pottery, Lamps and Glass of the Late Roman and Early Arab Periods -
Gilded and Enamelled Glass in al-Andalus -
[1998] HARDIE, Peter
Mamluk Glass from China ? -
[1998] HASSON, Rachel
An Enamelled Glass Bowl with “Solomon’s seal”: the Meaning of a Pattern -
[1998] INSOLL, Timothy
Islamic Glass from Gao, Mali -
[1998] KRAMAROVSKY, Mark
The Import and Manufacture of Glass in the Territories of the Golden Horde -
[1998] MOORE, Olivier
Islamic Glass at Buddhist Sites in Medieval China -
[1998] NEWBY, Martine S.
The Cavour Vase and Gilt and Enamelled Mamluk Coloured Glass -
[1998] PORTER, Venetia
Enamelled Glass Made for the Rasulid Sultans of the Yemen -
[1998] VERNOIT, Stephen
Islamic Gilded and Enamelled Glass in Nineteenth-century Collections -
[1998] VON SALDERN, Axel
Byzantine Glass: Problems of Terminology and Chronology -
[1998] WARD, Rachel
Glass and Brass: Parallels and Puzzles -
[1998] WHITEHOUSE, David
Byzantine Gilded Glass -
[1998] YOUSUF, Abd el-Ra’uf Ali
Syro-Egyptian Glass, Pottery and Wooden Vessels
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013