Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2005] WYPYSKI, Mark T ; PILOSI, Lisa
Preliminary Compositional Study of Glass from the Crusader Castle at Montfort -
[2004] FREESTONE, Ian C.
The Provenance of Ancient Glass through Compositional Analysis -
[2004] TAL, Oren ; JACKSON-TAL, Ruth E. ; FREESTONE, Ian C.
New Evidence of the Production of Raw Glass at Late Byzantine Apollonia-Arsuf, Israel -
[2003] FOY, Danièle ; PICON, Maurice ; VICHY, Michèle
Verres omeyyades et abbassides d’origine égyptienne : les témoignages de l’archéologie et de l’archéométrie -
[2003] FREESTONE, Ian C
Primary Glass Sources in the Mid First Millennium AD -
[2003] FREESTONE, Ian C. ; LESLIE, Karen A. ; THIRLWALL, Matthew ; GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
Strontium Isotopes in the Investigation of Early Glass Production: Byzantine and Early Islamic Glass from the Near East -
[2003] HENDERSON, Julian ; Mc LOUGHLIN, Sean
Glass Production in al-Raqqa: Experimentation and Technical Changes -
[2002] FREESTONE, Ian C.
Composition and Affinities of Glass from the Furnaces on the Island Site, Tyre -
[2002] FREESTONE, Ian C.
The Relationship between Enamelling on Ceramics and on Glass in the Islamic World -
Byzantine and Early Islamic Glassmaking in the Eastern Mediterranean: Production and Distribution of Primary Glass -
Origins of Byzantine Glass from Maroni Petrera, Cyprus -
[2000] FREESTONE, Ian C. ; GORIN-ROSEN, Yael ; HUGHES, Michael J.
Primary Glass from Israel and the Production of Glass in Late Antiquity and the Early Islamic Period -
[2000] WHITEHOUSE, David ; PILOSI, Lisa ; WYPYSKI, Mark T.
Byzantine Silver Stain -
[1999] FREESTONE, Ian C. ; GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Great Glass Slab at Bet Sheʿarim, Israel: An Early Islamic Glassmaking Experiment ? -
[1998] FREESTONE, Ian C. ; STAPLETON, Colleen P.
Composition and Technology of Islamic Enamelled Glass of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013