Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
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[1996] REICHE, Andrzej
Early Islamic Glass from Bijan Island (Iraq) -
[1996] VON SALDERN, Axel
Early Islamic Glass in the Near East. Problems of Chronology and Provenances -
[1994] PELEG, Michal
Bet Sheʾan: a Paved Street and Adjacent Remains -
[1994] ROUSSET, Marie-Odile
Quelques précisions sur le matériel de Ḥītra (céramique et verre) -
[1992] SHINDO, Yoko
Glass (in Japanese) -
[1992] SPAER, Maud
The Islamic Glass Bracelets of Palestine: Preliminary Findings -
[1991] PINDER-WILSON, Ralph
The Islamic Lands and China -
[1990] GRATUZE, Bernard ; BARRANDON, Jean-Noël
Islamic Glass Weights and Stamps: Analysis Using Nuclear Techniques -
[1987] SCANLON, George T. ; PINDER-WILSON, Ralph
Glass Finds from Fustat: 1972-1980 -
[1983] KOLBAS, Judith G.
A Color Chronology of Islamic Glass -
[1978] HAN, Verena ; BRUSIĆ, Zdenco
Une découverte sous-marine du verre médiéval dans l’Adriatique -
[1978] HARDEN, Donald B.
Glass -
[1966] SCANLON, George T.
Fusṭāṭ Expedition: Preliminary Report, 1965. Part I -
[1962] HARDEN, Donald B.
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013