Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2000] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
The Ancient Glass Industry in Israel. Summary of the Finds and New Discoveries -
[1998] KRAMAROVSKY, Mark
The Import and Manufacture of Glass in the Territories of the Golden Horde -
[1996] HENDERSON, Julian
Glass Production in Raqqa, Syria. New Evidence for an Interim Assessment -
[1996] VITTO, Fanny
Byzantine Mosaics at Bet Sheʿarim: New Evidence for the History of the Site -
A Glass Factory of Crusader Times in Northern Israel -
[1984] BASS, George F.
The Nature of the Serçe Limani Glass -
[1983] HASSON, Rachel
Islamic Glass from Excavations in Jerusalem -
[1978] HARDEN, Donald B.
Glass -
[1940] HONEY, William Bowyer ; COX, Henry Edward ; BANNISTER, F.A. ; JOPE Edward Martyn
Technical Reports: Glass
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013