Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[1998] VON SALDERN, Axel
Byzantine Glass: Problems of Terminology and Chronology -
[1998] WARD, Rachel
Glass and Brass: Parallels and Puzzles -
[1998] WATSON, Olivier
Pottery and Glass: Lustre and Enamel -
[1998] WHITEHOUSE, David
Byzantine Gilded Glass -
[1998] YOUSUF, Abd el-Ra’uf Ali
Syro-Egyptian Glass, Pottery and Wooden Vessels -
[1997] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael
Excavations of the Courthouse Site at ʿAkko: Medieval Glass Vessels (Area TA) -
[1997] LLEDÒ, Berta
Mold Siblings in the 11th-Century Cullet from Serçe Limani -
[1996] DASZKIEWICZ, Małgorzata ; RAABE, Jerzy
Chemical Composition and Technological Studies of Abbasid Glasses from the Bijan Island in Iraq -
[1996] HENDERSON, Julian
Glass Production in Raqqa, Syria. New Evidence for an Interim Assessment -
[1996] HORTON, Mark
Glass Vessels -
[1996] MEYER, Carol
Sasanian and Islamic Glass from Nippur, Iraq -
[1996] REICHE, Andrzej
Early Islamic Glass from Bijan Island (Iraq) -
[1996] SHINDO, Yoko
Islamic Glass Bracelets Found in the Red Sea Region -
[1996] VITTO, Fanny
Byzantine Mosaics at Bet Sheʿarim: New Evidence for the History of the Site -
[1996] VON SALDERN, Axel
Early Islamic Glass in the Near East. Problems of Chronology and Provenances
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013