Cachette de KarnakKarnak Cachette
et numéros "K" de G. Legrainand G. Legrain's "K" numbers
CK 36 : Statue agenouillée de Ḥr-ȝḫ-bjt, fils de Jmn-m-jpt et Tȝ-bȝkt-n-Ḫnsw, présentant une égide criocéphale et un sistre hathorique. Caire CG 42214Kneeling statue of Ḥr-ȝḫ-bjt, son of Jmn-m-jpt and Tȝ-bȝkt-n-Ḫnsw, holding ram-headed aegis and Hathor-sistrum. Cairo CG 42214
K 45

JE: “statue en basalte vert, socle en albâtre”CG: “statue en brèche verte, socle d’albâtre”
Goyon, Cardin:2004 : “[statue] métapélite (greyhacke), [socle] calcite blanche”
Brandl:2008 : Statuette: Hellgrüner Siltstein (?) ; Sockel: Calcit-Alabaster
Goyon, Cardin:2004 : “[statue] métapélite (greyhacke), [socle] calcite blanche”
Brandl:2008 : Statuette: Hellgrüner Siltstein (?) ; Sockel: Calcit-Alabaster
hauteurheight | largeurbreadth | longueurlength | profondeurdepth | diamètrediameter | Remarques dimensionsRemarks on dimensions |
35 | 15.5 | 33 | JE: 35 Goyon, Cardin:2005: Hauteur = statue + socle; Largeur = socle; Prof. = socle ——— Brandl:2008 H. stt + socle 35 l. 11.5 Pr. 33 H. socle 6.7 |
Jansen-Winkeln:1985 “etwa in der Zeit Osorkon II. - Takeloth II.”
Brandl:2008: “22. Dynastie, Regierungszeit Osorkons II.-Scheschonqs III.”
Brandl:2008: “22. Dynastie, Regierungszeit Osorkons II.-Scheschonqs III.”
Ville, muséeCity, museum | N° d'inventaireInventory no. | JEJE | CGCG | RTT.R. | SRS.R. |
Le Caire, Musée égyptien Cairo, Egyptian Museum | 36675 | 42214 | 4/9268 |
Photos FLL 5-6
Archives J.J. Clère. Griffith Institute MS. 02.05 CG 42214 (http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/4clerems.html)
Photo Archives Kuentz (II) I/165-167
http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/record.aspx?id=15348 (consulté le 22/11/2012)
Archives J.J. Clère. Griffith Institute MS. 02.05 CG 42214 (http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/4clerems.html)
Photo Archives Kuentz (II) I/165-167
http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/record.aspx?id=15348 (consulté le 22/11/2012)
La date de découverte fournie par Legrain:1914, 36 est confirmée par JdF 1903-1904, 40.
niv.lev. 1: Goyon, Cardin:2004 | Trésors d’Égypte. La “cachette” de Karnak (1904-2004) | |||
Grenoble 2004 | ||||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - traductiontranslation - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - photophoto - description description | 46-47; 98-99 (n° 6) | |||
niv.lev. 1: Jansen-Winkeln:1985 | Ägyptische Biographien der 22.-23. Dynastien | |||
Wiesbaden 1985 | ÄAT 8 | |||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - translittérationtransliteration - traductiontranslation - commentairecommentary - paléographie et philologiepaleography and philology - bibliographiebibliography - photophoto | I, 108-111; II, 488-489; pl. 22-23 (A 8) [I, 23, n. 56 ; 69, n. 8 ; 72, n. 21 ; 81, n. 74 ; 145, n. 29 ; 272 ; II, 329, 1.7.5 ; 345, 3.1.7 ; 364, 3.7.3 ; 378, 3.11.7 ; 409, 5.5.3, 5.5.4 ; 418, 5.9.4 ; 431 (Vorbemerkung)] | |||
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Berlin 2008 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | I, 58-59; 344; 423 et passim; II, pl. 22; 166e (Dok. O-3.3) | |||
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hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - photophoto - description description | 36-37; pl. 23 | |||
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Paris 2004 | ||||
commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - photophoto | I, 284, n. 77; 301; II, 221 | |||
niv.lev. 3: Hornemann:1957 | Types of ancient Egyptian statuary, II-III | |||
Kobenhavn 1957 | ||||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - bibliographiebibliography - dessindrawing | III, 613 | |||
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Wiesbaden 2007 | JWIS 2 | |||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention - description description | JWIS II, 239-240 (Nr. 25.45) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Payraudeau:2014 | Administration, société et pouvoir à Thèbes sous la XXIIe dynastie bubastite | |||
Le Caire 2014 | BdE 160 | |||
translittérationtransliteration - traductiontranslation - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | I, 140, n. 55; 145; 252, n. 74; II, 476 (n°113C); 477 (n°115); 525 (n°171C); 561 (n°207); 598 (n°263L) | |||
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Warminster 1975 | ||||
commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 80 | |||
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Glückstadt - Hamburg 1936 | ÄgForsch 1 | |||
bibliographiebibliography - dessindrawing - description description - citationmention | 44-45; 81; pl. 13-15 (Nr. 107) | |||
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Paris 1993 | ||||
commentairecommentary - photophoto - description description - citationmention | 466-467 3) 466-468 (3) | |||
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Wiesbaden 1994 | ÄAT 26 | |||
commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - description description - citationmention | 363 et passim (B/3.3.50) | |||
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Sevilla 1992 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | Cat. 6 | |||
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ASAE 79 | 2005 | |||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary - photophoto | 214, n. 23; 218, fig. 11 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Anonyme:1905 | « The Extraordinary Find of 8000 Hidden Statues at Karnak, Upper Egypt » | |||
Illustrated London News Jan. 14, 1905 | 1905 | |||
photophoto - citationmention | 60, n° 7 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Bierbrier et alii:1982 | « Notes de prosopographie thébaine. Deuxième série » | |||
CdE 57, n° 114 | 1982 | |||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 223, n. 3 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Boreux:1921 | « On Two Statuettes in the Louvre Museum » | |||
JEA 7 | 1921 | |||
citationmention - description description - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography | 115, n. 10; 116, n. 1 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Brandl, Jansen-Winkeln:2008 | « Fünf Denkmäler des Obersten Arztes Pȝ-ʿn-mnj aus der 22. Dynastie » | |||
MDAIK 64 | 2008 | |||
citationmention - description description - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 21, n. 19 (err. 42114) | |||
niv.lev. 5: Broekman:2010b | « The Leading Theban Priests of Amun and their Families under Libyan Rule » | |||
JEA 96 | 2010 | |||
bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 131 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Caminos:1952 | « Gebel Es-Silsilah No. 100 » | |||
JEA 38 | 1952 | |||
citationmention - paléographie et philologiepaleography and philology | 51, n. (5) | |||
niv.lev. 5: Capart:1920 | Leçons sur l’art égyptien | |||
Liège 1920 | ||||
citationmention - description description - commentairecommentary | 491 | |||
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Le Caire 1979 | BdE 81/1 | |||
citationmention - commentairecommentary - paléographie et philologiepaleography and philology | 358, n. 1; 360, n. 2 | |||
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Berlin 2001 | ADAIK 18/1-2 | |||
translittérationtransliteration - commentairecommentary - paléographie et philologiepaleography and philology - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 79, n. 6; 83, n. 1; 90 (Pr/NR-Spzt/Sv001) | |||
niv.lev. 5: Heise:2007 | Erinnern und Gedenken. Aspekte der biographischen Inschriften der ägyptischen Spätzeit | |||
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commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 37, n. 103; 171, n. 427 | |||
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JEA 53 | 1967 | |||
commentairecommentary - citationmention | 66, n. 1 | |||
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commentairecommentary - citationmention | 204, et n. 2; 222, n. 5; 247, n. 3 | |||
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commentairecommentary - citationmention | 219-221 (§ 184); 566 § 489 | |||
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bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 94, n. 3 | |||
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Liège 1998 | AegLeod 5 | |||
commentairecommentary - citationmention | 142, n. 538 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Lefebvre:1929b | Histoire des Grands Prêtres d’Amon de Karnak jusqu’à la XXIe dynastie | |||
Paris 1929 | ||||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - traductiontranslation - citationmention | 42, n. 4 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Lloyd:1976 | Herodotus Book II, Commentary 1-98 | |||
1976 | EPROER 43 | |||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 193-194 | |||
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citationmention - bibliographiebibliography | 68, n. 64; 69, n. 132 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Ranke:1943 | « Eine spätsaïtische Statue in Philadelphia » | |||
MDAIK 12 | 1943 | |||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 121, n. 19 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Scharff:1939 | « Ägypten » | in W. Otto (éd.), Handbuch der Archäologie, 1 | ||
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citationmention - description description - bibliographiebibliography | 608, n. 1 | |||
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citationmention - commentairecommentary | II, 771, n. 1 | |||
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citationmention - description description - commentairecommentary | 24 (b) | |||
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citationmention - commentairecommentary | 6, n. I | |||
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Le Caire 1985 | BdE 97/1 | |||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 281, n. 27 |
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