Cachette de KarnakKarnak Cachette
et numéros "K" de G. Legrainand G. Legrain's "K" numbers
CK 193 : Statue marchant porte-enseigne de Ššnq, fils d’Osorkon Ier. Caire CG 42194Striding statue of Ššnq, son of Osorkon I, as standard-bearer. Cairo CG 42194
K 221
CG : brèche verte à raie blanche
JE : feldspath vert ou basalte
EMD/Tiradritti et alii:1998 : green breccia
JE : feldspath vert ou basalte
EMD/Tiradritti et alii:1998 : green breccia
hauteurheight | largeurbreadth | longueurlength | profondeurdepth | diamètrediameter | Remarques dimensionsRemarks on dimensions |
48 | JE: 49 ——— Brandl:2008 = CG + l. BP 3.5/4 |
Brisé (pieds manquants)Broken (feet missing)
Statue fin 18e Dyn. usurpée (Brandl:2008 / Satzinger:1981 / Tiradritti et alii:1998)
Ville, muséeCity, museum | N° d'inventaireInventory no. | JEJE | CGCG | RTT.R. | SRS.R. |
Le Caire, Musée égyptien Cairo, Egyptian Museum | 36988 | 42194 | 4/13643 |
Photo FLL 101
Photo IdF Ms 4059/2 n° 74
Photo IdF Ms 4059/2 n° 74
La date de découverte est fournie par Legrain:1914, 3. Elle est incohérente par rapport à la séquence-K (cf. CK 186).
niv.lev. 2: Brandl:2008 | Untersuchungen zur steinernen Privatplastik der Dritten Zwischenzeit. Typologie – Ikonographie – Stilistik, I-II | |||
Berlin 2008 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | I, 222-223 et passim; II, pl. 123 (Dok. U-1.3) | |||
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hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - photophoto - description description | 3-4; pl. 3-4 | |||
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description description - photophoto - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 152 (n° 57) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Azim, Réveillac:2004 | Karnak dans l’objectif de Georges Legrain | |||
Paris 2004 | ||||
bibliographiebibliography - photophoto | I, 315; II, 251 | |||
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citationmention - description description - photophoto - commentairecommentary - traductiontranslation | 204-206; 256 (n° 96) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Corteggiani:1987 | The Egypt of the Pharaohs at the Cairo Museum | |||
London 1987 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - commentairecommentary - traductiontranslation | 150; 186 (n° 96) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Hope:1988 | Gold of the Pharaohs. Exhibition. Brisbane, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne (17 August 1988-11 June 1989) | |||
Sydney 1988 | ||||
commentairecommentary - photophoto - description description | 50-51 (Cat. 3) (comme JE 36988) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Jansen-Winkeln:2007c | Inschriften der Spätzeit. Teil II: Die 22.-24. Dynastie | |||
Wiesbaden 2007 | JWIS 2 | |||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - bibliographiebibliography | JWIS II, 57 (Nr. 13.31) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Payraudeau:2014 | Administration, société et pouvoir à Thèbes sous la XXIIe dynastie bubastite | |||
Le Caire 2014 | BdE 160 | |||
translittérationtransliteration - traductiontranslation - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | I, 33, n. 52; II, 574 (n°228B) | |||
niv.lev. 3: Robins:1997 | The Art of Ancient Egypt | |||
London 1997 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - commentairecommentary | 206-207, fig. 249 | |||
niv.lev. 3: Schwaller de Lubicz:1982 | Les Temples de Karnak, I-II | |||
Paris 1982 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - commentairecommentary - traductiontranslation | I, 196-197; II, 358-359 | |||
niv.lev. 3: Tiradritti et alii:1998 | Egyptian Treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo | |||
Vercelli 1998 | ||||
traductiontranslation - commentairecommentary - photophoto - description description | 346 | |||
niv.lev. 4: Bosse:1936 | Die Menschliche Figur in der Rundplastik des Ägyptischen Spätzeit von der XXII. bis Dynastie bis zur XXX. Dynastie | |||
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commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - description description - citationmention | 20; 82 (Nr. 22) | |||
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citationmention - description description - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 97 (PE C.1) | |||
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Antony 1985 | ||||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary - traductiontranslation - translittérationtransliteration - hiéroglypheshieroglyphs | 14 (Doc. 9.III) | |||
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JEA 95 | 2009 | |||
photophoto - citationmention | 61, fig. 10b | |||
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Paris 1993 | ||||
commentairecommentary - photophoto - description description - citationmention | 466 (1); 467-468 | |||
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RecTrav 30 | 1908 | |||
hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - commentairecommentary - citationmention | 89-90 | |||
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commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - photophoto - citationmention | 108, Kat. 121 (mit Abbildung) | |||
niv.lev. 4: Russmann:1989 | Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor | |||
Austin (Tx) 1989 | ||||
citationmention - description description - photophoto - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 142-144; 219 [66] | |||
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citationmention - description description - photophoto - bibliographiebibliography | 359,2; 645 | |||
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hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - translittérationtransliteration - traductiontranslation - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 174; 187; 189; 195 (22.7/1) | |||
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commentairecommentary - photophoto - description description - citationmention - bibliographiebibliography | 613-614, fig. 623; 712 | |||
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citationmention - description description - photophoto - commentairecommentary | 190-192; 257 | |||
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commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention - description description | 113, n. 9; 116, n. 5 | |||
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commentairecommentary - citationmention | 14 | |||
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citationmention - description description - commentairecommentary | 487 | |||
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London 1962 | ||||
citationmention - description description - bibliographiebibliography | 20, no. 68 | |||
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citationmention - description description - commentairecommentary | 33, n. 85 | |||
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citationmention | 118; 122, n. 20 (comme JE 36988) | |||
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commentairecommentary - citationmention | 95 [66] | |||
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hiéroglypheshieroglyphs - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 300, n° 5B; 329, n° 27B; 330, n° 28B | |||
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citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 214, n. 10 | |||
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citationmention | 45 | |||
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Le Caire 2016 | BdE 161 | |||
citationmention | 169 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Jansen-Winkeln:1995b | « Historische Probleme der 3. Zwischenzeit » | |||
JEA 81 | 1995 | |||
citationmention - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 145, n. 115 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Jansen-Winkeln:2006d | « II.9 Relative Chronology of Dyn. 21 » | in E. Hornung, R. Krauss, D.A. Warburton (éd.), Ancient Egyptian Chronology | ||
Leiden - Boston 2006 | HdO 83 | |||
citationmention - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography | 223 et n. 37 | |||
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traductiontranslation - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 166, n. 3; 182, n. 2 | |||
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commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 87, n. 2; 92, n. 5 | |||
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commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography - citationmention | 306, n. 350 (§ 265) | |||
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commentairecommentary - citationmention - bibliographiebibliography | 142, n. 538 | |||
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JEA 92 | 2006 | |||
citationmention | 181, n. 49 | |||
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AREEF (13) 1903-1904 | 1904 | |||
citationmention | 27 | |||
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RecTrav 27 | 1905 | |||
citationmention - description description | 72 | |||
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1906 | BIE série 4, n° 6 | 1905 | ||
citationmention | 111 | |||
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photophoto - citationmention | 17, fig. 28 | |||
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Le Caire 2016 | BdE 161 | |||
citationmention | 360, n. 48 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Price:2016 | « Archaism and Filial Piety: An Unusual Late Period Pair Statue from the Cachette (Cairo JE 37136) » | dans L. Coulon (éd.), La Cachette de Karnak. Nouvelles perspectives sur les découvertes de G. Legrain | ||
Le Caire 2016 | BdE 161 | |||
citationmention | 498, n.39 | |||
niv.lev. 5: Russmann:2010 | « Late Period Sculpture » | in A.B. Lloyd (éd.), A companion to Ancient Egypt | ||
Oxford 2010 | Blackwell companions to the Ancient World | |||
bibliographiebibliography - description description | ||||
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JKSW 77 | 1981 | |||
citationmention - description description - bibliographiebibliography - commentairecommentary | 10, n. 16; 12, n. 23; 36 (Dok. C 15) | |||
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photophoto - citationmention | 33 | |||
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citationmention - description description - commentairecommentary - bibliographiebibliography | 608, n. 3 | |||
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Birmingham 1988 | ||||
commentairecommentary - description description - citationmention | 107, n. 3 | |||
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RdE 10 | 1955 | |||
citationmention | 82, n. 4 |
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L. Coulon - E. Jambon - Version 2, données dudata date 28 août 2017August 28th 2017
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