Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc. 1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
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auteur(s) author(s)
titre title
Middle Egypt survey (pottery)
éditeur/auteur responsable editor/responsible author
KEMP, Barry
ouvrage collectif collective work
Tell el-Amarna, 2006-7
périodique periodical
JEA 93
édition publisher
Egypt Exploration Society, Londres | London, 2007, p. 50-52
identification du matériel identification of the material
fourchettes de dates dates forks
[301, 500]
fonction function
forme d’artefact artifact form
essences et analyses wood species and analysis
technique technique
questions particulières specific problems
Disturbed burial area in the northwestern part of Kôm el-Aḥmar (=Kom el-Amad) — three chunks of wood from a disturbed Late Roman Period burial, identified as palm wood by Rainer Gerisch (p. 51).
contexte archéologique archaeological context
sites, consommation/production sites, consumption/production
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Version 1, données du data date 18 mars 2012 March 18th 2012