Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
The monastery of Ḳalamoun
Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Le Caire | Cairo, 1947, p. 63-83
[601, 1900]
construction et architecture building construction domaine des transports transport sphere domaine domestique domestic sphere domaine sacré sacral sphere
éléments architecturaux
architectural structural elements instruments divers
miscellaneous tools bateau, accastillage
ship’s tackle
(p. 69)
Mention of small old chapel of wood existing in the days of Samuel at Gebel Al-Ḳalamoun.
Mention of a wooden gong being struck by a sentinel monk to inform about the coming of visitors. Mention of a single persea tree in the monastery, supplying fruit and kernels for use.
Mention of Abu Hanifah’s ‘Book of Plants’ reporting that the ‘labakh’ or persea produced wood which was useful as planks for ships.
Mention of small old chapel of wood existing in the days of Samuel at Gebel Al-Ḳalamoun.
Mention of a wooden gong being struck by a sentinel monk to inform about the coming of visitors. Mention of a single persea tree in the monastery, supplying fruit and kernels for use.
Mention of Abu Hanifah’s ‘Book of Plants’ reporting that the ‘labakh’ or persea produced wood which was useful as planks for ships.
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012