Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
KHATER, Antoine ; KHS-BURMESTER, O.H.E. et alii
L'archéologie du site
Le monastère de Phoebammon dans la Thébaïde
Société d’archéologie copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 1981
[301, 500]
construction et architecture building construction domaine artisanal workshop sphere domaine des transports transport sphere domaine domestique domestic sphere
éléments d’architecture : divers
architectural, miscellaneous instruments, outils
utilitarian tools instruments de filage/tissage
spinning, weaving implements selle, harnaichement
saddle and harness elements articles d’écriture
writing articles pieu/piquet/goujon
peg and stake instruments divers
miscellaneous tools coin
Section on worked wood finds (p. 24) lists the following (all illustrated in drawing and photo):
1. Fragments of wood (nos 1-17, Pls XCIII-XCVI) [no. 7 measuring stick ?, nos 9-11 spinning and weaving ?, nos 12-14 spindle whorls, no. 15 pivot hole, nos 16-17 pegs — IZ].
2. Saddle pulleys (nos 18, 19 with rope, Pl. XCVI, C-D).
3. Pegs (nos 20-24, Pl. XCVII).
4. Unidentified fragments (nos 25-32, Pl. XCVIII-C) [no. 31 pivot hole — IZ].
5. Fragment with intersecting lines engraved on head end (no. 33, Pl. C, c) [architectural (?) — IZ].
(p. 25) Reed pens (kalamoi) and ink pots:
1. Kalamoi (nos 1-12, Pl. CIII-CIV).
2. Dom-palm fruit nuts (nos 13-14, Pl. CV).
3. Dom-palm fruit cut in half and used as inkpot, still containing traces of black substance (nos 15-17, Pl. CV).
1. Fragments of wood (nos 1-17, Pls XCIII-XCVI) [no. 7 measuring stick ?, nos 9-11 spinning and weaving ?, nos 12-14 spindle whorls, no. 15 pivot hole, nos 16-17 pegs — IZ].
2. Saddle pulleys (nos 18, 19 with rope, Pl. XCVI, C-D).
3. Pegs (nos 20-24, Pl. XCVII).
4. Unidentified fragments (nos 25-32, Pl. XCVIII-C) [no. 31 pivot hole — IZ].
5. Fragment with intersecting lines engraved on head end (no. 33, Pl. C, c) [architectural (?) — IZ].
(p. 25) Reed pens (kalamoi) and ink pots:
1. Kalamoi (nos 1-12, Pl. CIII-CIV).
2. Dom-palm fruit nuts (nos 13-14, Pl. CV).
3. Dom-palm fruit cut in half and used as inkpot, still containing traces of black substance (nos 15-17, Pl. CV).
Egypte Egypt | Thèbes ouest West Thebes | consommation |
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012