Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
SIDEBOTHAM, Steven E. ; ZYCH, Iwona
SIDEBOTHAM, Steven E. ; ZYCH, Iwona
Berenike 2008-2009. Report on the Excavations at Berenike, including a Survey in the Eastern Desert
PCMA Excavation Series 1
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, Warszaw, 2011, p. 25-57
[1, 200]
cèdre de l’Atlas
cedar (lat. Cedrus atlantica ssp. Libani)
genévrier de Syrie juniper (lat. Juniperus drupacea)
sapin de Cilicie fir (lat. Abies cilicica)
tamaris désertique desert tamarisk (lat. Tamarix aphylla L.Karst.)
genévrier de Syrie juniper (lat. Juniperus drupacea)
sapin de Cilicie fir (lat. Abies cilicica)
tamaris désertique desert tamarisk (lat. Tamarix aphylla L.Karst.)
(Chapter 4)
Discusses the use of tamarisk twigs for making resin-saturated platforms, presumably a durable waterproof surface for working, and a cedarwood post, originally interpreted as a bollard, found in the middle of trench BE09-54, along with a plank and small branches, possibly part of a shelter(?) (Figs 4-5 to 4-8, 4-14, 4-20 reconstruction of platform with post). The platform was used in the early Roman period (mid 1st century AD?). The post was installed in the platform and so dates back to this period. It was probably part of a light shelter construction. Its top has a worked slot, but it is impossible to be sure whether it was any higher. The post remained visible on the surface until the abandonment of this part of the site sometime in the later 2nd century AD.
Wooden artifacts and wood are discussed in passing in contextual analyses following the results from each trench:
- p. 37 (Fig. 4-16) Two blocks of fir resin found in a pit (trench BE09-54); see also Fig. 16-2 on p. 176;
- p. 39-42 Waste wood, including woodworking shavings that suggest woodworking activities nearby (trench BE09-54; for detailed species identification, see J. ZIELIŃSKI 2011;
- p. 50 Wood, including workshop waste (?), mixed in terms of species (trench BE09-55; for the list of species, see J. ZIELIŃSKI 2011);
- p. 52-57., esp. 56 Specifically, set of wooden vessels from the rubbish dump, stylus, fragments of Boswellia wood (trench BE09-57; for the species list, see J. ZIELIŃSKI 2011).
Discusses the use of tamarisk twigs for making resin-saturated platforms, presumably a durable waterproof surface for working, and a cedarwood post, originally interpreted as a bollard, found in the middle of trench BE09-54, along with a plank and small branches, possibly part of a shelter(?) (Figs 4-5 to 4-8, 4-14, 4-20 reconstruction of platform with post). The platform was used in the early Roman period (mid 1st century AD?). The post was installed in the platform and so dates back to this period. It was probably part of a light shelter construction. Its top has a worked slot, but it is impossible to be sure whether it was any higher. The post remained visible on the surface until the abandonment of this part of the site sometime in the later 2nd century AD.
Wooden artifacts and wood are discussed in passing in contextual analyses following the results from each trench:
- p. 37 (Fig. 4-16) Two blocks of fir resin found in a pit (trench BE09-54); see also Fig. 16-2 on p. 176;
- p. 39-42 Waste wood, including woodworking shavings that suggest woodworking activities nearby (trench BE09-54; for detailed species identification, see J. ZIELIŃSKI 2011;
- p. 50 Wood, including workshop waste (?), mixed in terms of species (trench BE09-55; for the list of species, see J. ZIELIŃSKI 2011);
- p. 52-57., esp. 56 Specifically, set of wooden vessels from the rubbish dump, stylus, fragments of Boswellia wood (trench BE09-57; for the species list, see J. ZIELIŃSKI 2011).
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012