Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
2 référencesreferences
RICHTER, Gisela Marie Augusta
The Furniture of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans
The Phaidon Press, Londres | London, 1966
[-1550, -1050] [-401, 300]
boîte, cassette, caisse, coffret
box, casket, chest élément de mobilier
furniture parts meubles et fermetures
furnitures and closures
1. Wooden table from Luxor, Figs 372, 377, p. 71 (one leg and part of another restored; also stretchers), H. 85 cm. Beautifully carved antelope legs, ending above in swan’s heads emerging from acanthus leaves. Table-leaf has rounded depression on one side with pegs for fastening some object (note 33: Bought by J. Capart at Thebes in 1905, diam. of table-leaf 55-58 cm; cf. Bulletin des Musées royaux 1916, p. 46; Deonna, Délos, XVIII, p. 40, Fig. 53; Balty, Mobilier grec, 1964, no. 36) – this type of round-topped table resting on three legs, often of animal form, appears in the 4th century BC and was apparently a Greek invention (p. 70).
Other finds, not necessarily from the Roman period:
– Egyptian wooden bed, Fig. 287, p. 54 (18th Dynasty, Valley of the Kings, Cairo N.2659).
– Roman wooden chest with fittings from Nubia (p. 114).
– Egyptian wooden throne from the Louvre, Fig. 39, p. 16 (Thebes, New Kingdom, Louvre N.2950).
Other finds, not necessarily from the Roman period:
– Egyptian wooden bed, Fig. 287, p. 54 (18th Dynasty, Valley of the Kings, Cairo N.2659).
– Roman wooden chest with fittings from Nubia (p. 114).
– Egyptian wooden throne from the Louvre, Fig. 39, p. 16 (Thebes, New Kingdom, Louvre N.2950).
Egypte Egypt | Louxor (Thèbes) Luxor (Thebes) | consommation | |
Soudan Sudan | Nubie Nubia | consommation |
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012