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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caire

Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood

Iwona Zych

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essences et analyseswood species and analysis
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13 référencesreferences

ZYCH, Iwona
SIDEBOTHAM, Steven E. ; ZYCH, Iwona
Berenike 2008-2009. Report on the Excavations at Berenike, including a Survey in the Eastern Desert
PCMA Excavation Series 1
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, Warsaw, 2011, p. 117-162

[1, 200]
acacia acacia (lat. Acacia spp.)
cèdre du Liban cedar (lat. Cedrus libani A. Rich.)
Encens frankincense (lat. Boswellia)
figuier sycomore sycamore fig (lat. Ficus sycomorus L.)
palmier dattier date palm (lat. Phoenix dactylifera)
(Chapter 12)
Wood artifacts have been discussed in respective functional categories (which include objects of other materials as well):
D. Vessels and containers (profiled bowl, plain bowl and plates with red coating);
E. Round cuts, jar stoppers and bungs (two bungs of small size);
F. Furniture(?) elements (casket slat and panel);
G. Tools and utilitarian objects (handles, pegs, toggle ?), gauge, blanks, plaque, disk, brushes, styluses); for a stylus, see also Fig. 7-1 on p. 77;
H. Ship-rigging (brail-rings);
I. Personal accessories and adornment (bead);
L. Building material and resources (palm fiber).

Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012