Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
ATTIA, Sobhi Shenuda ; YOUSSEF, Youhanna Nessim ; SKÁLOVÁ, Zuzana
The Coptic Archangel Michael, Archon of the Hosts of Heaven
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 2000, p. 43-48
[801, 1400]
(Pl. IVb)
Screen of the St Takla Himanot Chapel in the Al-Mu’allaqa church. Good frontal photo from the archives of the Coptic Museum.
Screen of the St Takla Himanot Chapel in the Al-Mu’allaqa church. Good frontal photo from the archives of the Coptic Museum.
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012