Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
11 référencesreferences
BENAZETH, Dominique ; GABRA, Gawdat
Boiseries du Musée Copte déposées au Musée National de Port Said
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 1994, p. 63-68
[1, 1300]
autre other domaine artistique artistic sphere domaine domestique domestic sphere domaine funéraire funerary sphere domaine individuel individual sphere domaine public public sphere domaine sacré sacral sphere
amulette/objet religieux
amulet, religious article oeuvres d'art, objets avec décoration
artworks, decorated articles meubles et fermetures
furnitures and closures serrure, cliquet, rochet, clef/clé
locks, keys, related plaque, plaquette, tableau
panel, tablet, frame
bois avec autre bois wood combined with other wood découpage, taillé cutting gravure engraving incision incising menuiserie joinery peinture painting sculpture carving tournage turning travaillé worked
Small collection, deposit from the Coptic Museum in Cairo, including funerary and secular reliefs, various implements of everyday life (including Coptic Museum register nos 741, 797, 798, 3762 (reliefs), 3824 (cross), 9864 (key) and 12053 (panel)).
- 4 friezes with carved figurative decoration (Pl. IV),
- funerary stela with peacock in arched aedicule, rectangular, epitaph carved on the lower part (Pl. Va),
- carved panel with dove with raised wings inside arched aedicule supported on fluted antae columns (Pl. Vb),
- 2 ornamental hair combs with engraved geometric decoration and openwork figurative motif (Pl. VIa,b),
- 1 packing comb on handle, decorated with concentric circles (Pl. VIc),
- carved fish from Kom Ishgau (Pl. VIIa),
- spindle (Pl. VIIb),
- inscriptional stamp on handle (Pl. VIIc).
- 4 friezes with carved figurative decoration (Pl. IV),
- funerary stela with peacock in arched aedicule, rectangular, epitaph carved on the lower part (Pl. Va),
- carved panel with dove with raised wings inside arched aedicule supported on fluted antae columns (Pl. Vb),
- 2 ornamental hair combs with engraved geometric decoration and openwork figurative motif (Pl. VIa,b),
- 1 packing comb on handle, decorated with concentric circles (Pl. VIc),
- carved fish from Kom Ishgau (Pl. VIIa),
- spindle (Pl. VIIb),
- inscriptional stamp on handle (Pl. VIIc).
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012