Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
10 référencesreferences
ROSE, Pamela
Qasr Ibrim, 2003
WILSON, Penelope ; JEFFREYS, David ; KEMP, Barry ; ROSE, Pamela
Fieldwork, 2002-03: Delta Survey, Memphis, Tell el-Amarna, Qasr Ibrim
JEA 89
Egypt Exploration Society, Londres | London, 2003, p. 1-25
[-690, -664]
Not from the period covered in this database, but can be considered for the purpose of comparative research: well preserved wooden staircase in the Taharqa Temple, 25th Dynasty (found in 1972 originally, cf. Plumley and Adams, JEA 60: 231 and Pl. xlix,2); 28 cm deep and 14-16 cm high, mud-brick edged with reused, roughly squared, palm timbers, which made up the entire height of the riser and extended some 75 cm back into the chamber walls. Originally 10 steps were present (now 5 were uncovered again) (pp. 21, 24).
Egypte Egypt | Nubie Nubia | Qaṣr Ibrim | consommation |
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012