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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caire

Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood

Iwona Zych

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essences et analyseswood species and analysis
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11 référencesreferences

VAN DER VEEN, Marijke GALE, Rowena ; ÜBEL, Dirk
Woodworking and firewood - Resource exploitation
Consumption, Trade and Innovation. Exploring the Botanical Remains from the Roman and Islamic Ports at Quseir al-Qadim, Egypt
Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series 6
Africa Magna Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2011, p. 205-226

[1, 200] [1201, 1400]
acacia acacia (lat. Acacia spp.)
figuier sycomore sycamore fig (lat. Ficus sycomorus L.)
palmier dattier date palm (lat. Phoenix dactylifera)
saule willow (lat. Salix spp.)
dattier du désert sugar date palm (lat. Balanites aegyptiaca)
jujubier ziziphus spina-christi (lat. Rhamnaceae sp.)
eédre cedar (lat. Cedrus)
Chapter 5 on woodworking and firewood sums up evidence for imported wood in Egypt and the uses of local, native wood.
The methodology of sampling is discussed, followed by sections on maritime artifacts (associated with ships), everyday objects (e.g. bowls, spoons, combs, needles) and evidence of fuel use. The differences in the exploitation of woody resources at the site is discussed for the two periods, that is, Roman and Islamic with particular focus on the origin of the ships that frequented the ports and on the selection of woods for everyday objects and firewood. An estimate is made of the degree to which imported timbers were utilized at Berenike.

Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012