Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
5 référencesreferences
CRESWELL, Keppel Archibald Cameron
Coptic influences on Early Muslim architecture
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 1939, p. 29-42
[701, 800]
porte, fenêtre, niche
door, window, niche meubles et fermetures
furnitures and closures plaque, plaquette, tableau
panel, tablet, frame
(p. 30):
Papyrus correspondence of Qurra ibn Sharik with Basilius, Prefect of the District of Aphrodito: complaining of delay in the payment of taxes, orders for ropes to be sent for the fleet at Alexandria, for palm trunks to be sent to Fusṭāṭ for building purposes, dispatch of workmen to Jerusalem and Damascus to assist on the buildings of al-Walid, (p. 31) including a sawyer for work on the mosque at Damascus for 6 months credited against the taxes due from the village (Bell, H.I., Greek Papyri in the British Museum: IV. The Aphrodito Papyri, p. 80; Bell, Translations of the Greek Aphrodito Papyri in the British Museum, in Der Islam, III, p. 133).
(Pl. VI):
Door from the St Barbara Church in Cairo, as illustration for the idea of close ties with the Umayyad Palace Mshatta in Transjordan (two undulating vine stems decorated at points of crossing with rosettes (pp. 34-36); discusses dating citing Monneret de Villard (4th century), opting for 5th century on iconographical grounds (cruciform nimbus of Christ in the panel on the front).
(Pl. VII):
Carved panel from cemetery of Ain as-Sira (in Museum of Arab Art) - similarities with Mschatta (pp. 36-37).
Papyrus correspondence of Qurra ibn Sharik with Basilius, Prefect of the District of Aphrodito: complaining of delay in the payment of taxes, orders for ropes to be sent for the fleet at Alexandria, for palm trunks to be sent to Fusṭāṭ for building purposes, dispatch of workmen to Jerusalem and Damascus to assist on the buildings of al-Walid, (p. 31) including a sawyer for work on the mosque at Damascus for 6 months credited against the taxes due from the village (Bell, H.I., Greek Papyri in the British Museum: IV. The Aphrodito Papyri, p. 80; Bell, Translations of the Greek Aphrodito Papyri in the British Museum, in Der Islam, III, p. 133).
(Pl. VI):
Door from the St Barbara Church in Cairo, as illustration for the idea of close ties with the Umayyad Palace Mshatta in Transjordan (two undulating vine stems decorated at points of crossing with rosettes (pp. 34-36); discusses dating citing Monneret de Villard (4th century), opting for 5th century on iconographical grounds (cruciform nimbus of Christ in the panel on the front).
(Pl. VII):
Carved panel from cemetery of Ain as-Sira (in Museum of Arab Art) - similarities with Mschatta (pp. 36-37).
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012