Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
3 référencesreferences
Des vases eucharistiques en verre
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 1937, p. 9-28
[501, 1100]
amulette/objet religieux
amulet, religious article boîte, cassette, caisse, coffret
box, casket, chest
(p. 10-11)
list of consecrated vessels used in the liturgy, plus not consecrated objects used regularly to celebrate Mass (Synaxe) according to “La scala copte 44 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris”, ed. H. Munier, 1913 ; “Euchologion” II, 1762, ed. Anbâ Ruphâ’ît aṭ-Tûḫî:
- wooden box for the chalice;
- hand cross;
- processional cross (note 5: also wooden ones, exemplified by objects in the Coptic Museum in Old Cairo);
- reliquaries, of silver or wood (with discussion of terms used, Greek and Coptic, kibotos being the one for wooden boxes, note 3).
Generally, a review of texts indicates that wood was one of the materials, apart from gold, silver, copper, glass and stone, used for consecrated and related vessels.
list of consecrated vessels used in the liturgy, plus not consecrated objects used regularly to celebrate Mass (Synaxe) according to “La scala copte 44 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris”, ed. H. Munier, 1913 ; “Euchologion” II, 1762, ed. Anbâ Ruphâ’ît aṭ-Tûḫî:
- wooden box for the chalice;
- hand cross;
- processional cross (note 5: also wooden ones, exemplified by objects in the Coptic Museum in Old Cairo);
- reliquaries, of silver or wood (with discussion of terms used, Greek and Coptic, kibotos being the one for wooden boxes, note 3).
Generally, a review of texts indicates that wood was one of the materials, apart from gold, silver, copper, glass and stone, used for consecrated and related vessels.
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012