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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[16304] 2018 Clark, R.
Tomb security in ancient Egypt from the Early Dynastic period to the 3rd dynasty
Fourth British Egyptology Conference 7-9 September 2018. University of Manchester, KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology 35
[16292] 2018 Chłodnicki, M.; Mączyńska, A.
Central storage devices from the central kom at Tell el-Farkha
Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 81-90
[16109] 2018 Müller, V.
Gedanken zur Beigabe von (Modell)Speichern in Grabkontexten der ägyptischen Frühzeit
Pérégrinations avec Erhart Graefe. Festschrift zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. Ägypten und Altes Testament 87 405-419
[17855] 2017 Lehner, M. & Hawass, Z.
Origins of the pyramid
Giza and the pyramids 62-79
[17376] 2017 Lacher-Raschdorff, C.
Werkspuren. Schlüssel zum Bau eines frühdynastischen Felsgrabes in Ägypten
Werkspuren. Materialverarbeitung und handwerkliches Wissen im antieken Bauwesen. Internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 13.-16. Mai 2015 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI im Henry-Ford-Bau der Freien Universität Berlin 399-415
[16512] 2017 Sählhof, M.
Grab des Djer. Freilegung und Bauaufnahme
Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof 25./26./27. Vorbericht. MDAIK 73 36-41
[16341] 2017 Ejsmond, W.
[Astronomikcal aspects of early sacral architecture in ancient Egypt as part of constructing of the sacred space] [Polish]
Medjat - Egyptological Studies 5 29-47
[16334] 2017 Dreyer, G.
Grab des Djer. Restaurierungsarbeiten
Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof 25./26./27. Vorbericht. MDAIK 73 41-43
[16217] 2017 van Walsem, R.
The 'chain' motif. A decorative architectonic element with Prehistoric roots on the lid of some 'stola coffins'
Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference 19-22 June 2013. Vol. 2 557-571
[16199] 2017 Tristant, Y.
The origins and development of the Egyptian tomb
Death is only the beginning. Egyptian funerary customs at the Macquarie Museum of Ancient Cultures 40-55
[16158] 2017 Rowland, J.M.; Tassie, G.J.
A new funerary monument dating to the reign of Khaba: The Quesna mastaba in the context of the Early Dynastic - Old Kingdom mortuary landscape in Lower Egypt
Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2015 369-390
[16149] 2017 Reader, C.D.
An Early Dynastic ritual landscape at north Saqqara: An inheritance from Abydos
JEA 103 71-87
[16127] 2017 Ormeling, M.
Planning the construction of first dynasty mastabas at Saqqara. Modelling the development of the pre-stairway mastabas
Egypt at its origins 5. Proceedings of the fifth international conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Cairo, 13th - 18th April 2014. OLA 260 401-432
[16051] 2017 Köhler, E.C.
Under the starry skies of Memphis: New architectural evidence for an early sanctuary ?
The cultural manifestations of religious experience. Studies in honour of Boyo G. Ockinga. Ägypten und Altes Testament 85 3-13
[16046] 2017 Keshk, F.
Open spaces' in the light of early urban development at Predynastic and Early Dynastic settlements
Origins 6 International conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Vienna, September 2017. Abstract book 50
[15949] 2017 Friedman, R.F.; Brussmann, R.
The Early Dynastic palace at Hierakonpolis
Palaces in ancient Egypt and the ancient Near East. Vol. I. Egypt, contributions to the archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant 79-99
[15902] 2017 Clark, R.
How & why did the Egyptians protect their tombs
Nile April-May 2017 26-35
[15886] 2017 Cervelló Autuori, J.
Monumental funerary architecture and ritual landscape in first dynasty Egypt
Egypt at its origins 5. Proceedings of the fifth international conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Cairo, 13th - 18th April 2014. OLA 260 211-229
[16407] 2016 Karmowski, J.
The comparison of Early Bronze I architecture from Tell el-Farkha and Tel Erani
Tel Erani I. Preliminary report of the 2013-2015 excavations 149-157
[15815] 2016 Williams, B.B.
Tracing institutional development before detailed records
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 589-
[15744] 2016 Paulson, J.
Mapping in the fourth dimension
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 377-398
[15732] 2016 Ormeling, R.
Modelling labour in ancient Egypt: The First Dynasty mud brick fortress at Elephantine
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 355-375
[15718] 2016 Moeller, N.
The origins of urban society
The archaeology of urbanism in ancient Egypt. From the Predynastic period to the end of the Middle Kingdom 59-112
[15698] 2016 La Loggia, A.S.
Egyptian construction in the Early Dynastic period
Egypt at its Origins 4. Proceedings of the fourth international conference "Origin of the state. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", New York, 26th - 30th July 2011. OLA 252 121-154
[15619] 2016 Golani, A.; Yannai, E.
Storage structures of the late Early Bronze I in the southern Levant and the urbanisation process
PEQ 148,1 8-41