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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[13571] 2009 Pöllath, N.
The prehistoric gamebag: The archaeozoological record from sites in the Western Desert of Egypt
Desert animals in the eastern Sahara: Status, economic significance, and cultural reflection in antiquity. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary ACACIA workshop held at the University of Cologne, December 14-15, 2007. Colloquium Africanum 4 79-108
[13203] 2009 Riemer, H.
A potsherd from northwest of Abu Minqar and the dispersal of Sheikh Muftah pottery in the Western Desert of Egypt
Sahara 20 57-62
[12473] 2007 Bubenzer, O.; Riemer, H.
Holocene climatic change and human settlement between the central Sahara and the Nile Valley: Archaeological and geomorphological results
Geoarchaeology 22 607-620
[11566] 2005 Riemer, H.
Pastoralism and the 'absolute desert'. A view from the southern Great Sand Sea, Egypt
Hunters vs. pastoralists in the Sahara: Material culture and symbolic aspects. Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Lige, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001, Colloque/Symposium 15.1. BAR Int. Ser. 1338 57-65
[10377] 2002 Gehlen, B.; Kindermann, K.; Linstädter, J.; Riemer, H.
The Holocene occupation of the Eastern Sahara: Regional chronologies and supra-regional developments in four areas of the absolute desert
Tides of the desert - Gezeiten der Wüste 85-116
[9435] 1999 Midant-Reynes, B.; Sabatier, P.
Préhistoire égyptienne et radiocarbone
Archéo-Nil 9 83-107
[9309] 1999 Hendrickx, S.
La chronologie de la préhistoire tardive et des débuts de l'histoire de l'Egypte
Archéo-Nil 9 13-81, 99-107
[15517] 1996 Schyle, D.
Das Epipaläolithikum und der Übergang zum Neolithikum in der Levante und in Ägypten
Das Epipaläolithikum des Vorderen Orients. Band I. Teil 1. Beheifte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients. Reihe B (Geisteswissenschaften), Nr. 85/1
[7674] 1995 Kuper, R.
Prehistoric research in the Southern Libyan Desert. A brief account and some conclusions of the B.O.S. project
CRIPEL 17 123-140
[8189] 1994 Kuper, R.
Prehistoric research in the Southern Libyan Desert. A brief account and some conclusions of the B.O.S. project
Nubia thirty years later. Society for Nubian Studies Eighth International Conference. Lille, 1994 1-10
[7853] 1994 Schön, W.
The Late Neolithic of Wadi el Akhdar (Gilf Kebir) and the Eastern Sahara
Archéologie du Nil Moyen 6 131-175
[3578] 1992 Klees, F.; Cziesla, E.; Gehlen, B.; Liermann, R.; Kuper, R.
Die Grosse Sandsee: Neolithische "Oasen" und die Würzeln der ägyptischen Hochkultur
Afrikaforschung an der Universität zu Köln 46-47
[4241] 1991 Leclant, J.; Clerc, G.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1989-1990. Abou Minqar
Orientalia 60 238
[3135] 1991 Holmes, D.L.
Analysis and comparison of some Prehistoric projectile points from Egypt
Institute of Archaeology Bulletin 28 99-132
[2424] 1991 Gautier, A.; Muzzolini, A.
The life and times of the giant buffalo alias Bubalus/Homoioceras/Pelorovis antiquus in North Africa
Archaeozoologia IV,1 39-92
[3812] 1989 Kuper, R.
The Eastern Sahara from north to south: Data and dates from the B.O.S. project
Late Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara 197-203
[3810] 1989 Kuper, R.
Ägypten am Rande des Sahel. Ausgrabungen in der Abu Ballas-Region
Archäologie in Deutschland 2 18-21
[3576] 1989 Klees, F.
Lobo: A contribution to the Prehistory of the Eastern Sand Sea and the Egyptian oases
Late Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara 223-231
[500] 1987 Baur-Röger, M.
Der Rohstoff Strausseneischale
Archäologische Informationen 10 180-184
[4143] 1985 Leclant, J.; Clerc, G.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1983-1984. Site de Lobo
Orientalia 54 387-388
[4546] 1949 Massoulard, E.
Préhistoire et protohistoire de l'Egypte
[7290] 1934 Wingate, O.
In search of Zerzura
Geographical Journal 83 281-308
[727] 1929 Bovier-Lapierre, P.
Les explorations de S.A.S. le Prince Kemal el Din Hussein: Contribution à la préhistoire du désert Libyque
BIE 10 34-44