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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17978] 2023 Shirai, N.
Kom W and Z basin: Surface artifact collection, culture history, and the argument over village occupation
African Archaeological Review 40 205-236
[17800] 2023 Hindman
Two Egyptian flint tools. An Egyptian flint blade. An Egyptian flint knife
Antiquities & ancient art n° 56-61
[18008] 2022 Ugliano, F. & Lucarini, G.
Heliopolis at its dawn: the PREMUC – Prehistoric Egypt in Museum Collections - project
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 86-87
[17977] 2022 Shirai, N.
Fayum Neolithic stone tools in the British Museum
Archéo-Nil 32 105-130
[17976] 2022 Shirai, N.
Does time fly like an arrow? A study on the evolution of Fayum Neolithic arrowheads
The star who appears in Thebes. Studies in honour of Jiro Kondo 393-412
[17975] 2022 Shirai, N.
Can one see the wood for the trees in Prehistoric Egypt? A study of Fayum Neolithic axes
Lithic Technology 47,1 52-82
[17887] 2022 Midant-Reynes, B. & Briois, F.
La découverte des mines de silex du Galala nord (désert oriental) sources d’approvisionnement et société de la fin du Prédynastique à la fin de l’Ancien Empire
Une aventure égyptologique. Mélanges offerts à Christine Gallois 45-54
[17886] 2022 Midant-Reynes, B. & Briois, F.
The flint industry at Tell el-Iswid. A first synthesis
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 69
[17867] 2022 Madrigal, K. & Angevin, R.
Autour des collections lithiques prédynastiques du musée des Confluences (Lyon, France). Louis-Charles Lortet en Égypte (1897-1909) : De la paléoécologie à la préhistoire culturelle de l’homme
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 64-65
[17851] 2022 Lajs, K.
Not only professionals: Twofold production of Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom flint tools reflected in the inventory from Tell el-Murra
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 60-61
[17660] 2022 Briois, F.; Midant-Reynes, B. & Beauvais, P.-A.
The flint miners’camps on the Galala plateau: WS013 in Wadi Nikhayabar
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 21-22
[17630] 2022 Angevin, R. & Lorre, C.
Le mobilier lithique du tombeau royal de Nagada (Égypte, Ière Dynastie): un essai d’analyse taphonomique, technologique et spatiale
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 15-16
[17629] 2022 Angevin, R.
Quelques talons cachés… Sur les stigmates de détachement des supports lithiques et leur effacement volontaire en Egypte protodynastique : quelques éléments de réflexion à partir des industries d’Abydos et Saqqarah Nord
Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 14-15
[17618] 2022 Abdelrahman, M. & Jeuthe, C.
Where does Egyptian chert come from? Preliminary macroscopic, microscopic, and geochemical results
Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Science of ancient Egyptian Materials and Technologies (SAEMT). Bibliothèque Générale 64 99-110
[17547] 2022 Shirai, N.
The local development and Levantine influence seen in the stone tools of the Fayum Neolithic in Egypt
Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic perspectives on its origins, development and dispersals. The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th–16th November 2020 371-385
[17488] 2022 Oron, M.
The flint assemblage from Ashqelon Afridar, Area N
Atiqot 107 29-33
[17298] 2022 Hôtel des ventes de Monte-Carlo
Lot de 9 pointes du Fayum. Grattoir en silex. Couteau en silex. 6 éléments en silex "spearhead". Lame de couteau. Canif à dos. Ensemble de forets
Glyptique & bijoux anciens. Préhistoire-archéologie. Art précolumbien. Dimanche 17 juillet 2022 n° 244, 247-251
[17080] 2022 Briois, F.; Midant-Reynes, B. & Tristant, Y.
Go West: New discoveries concerning the PPNB in the eastern desert of Egypt between the Sinai and the Nile valley
Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic perspectives on its origins, development and dispersals. The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th–16th November 2019 357-370
[17016] 2022 Angevin, R.
Tailler la pierre, façonner le prestige Les objets d'exception en silex de la nécropole royale d'Abydos (Ire-IIe dynasties)
Sur la piste d'Osiris. Emile Clément Amélineau (1850-1915), un égyptologue vendéen 84-91
[17994] 2021 Stadler, M.A. & Zauzich, K.-T. (eds.) Dirksen, S.C. & Kurz, E. (coll.)
Die Sammlung Kiseleff im Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität Würzburg. 1: Ägyptische und Koptische Antiken
39, 72, 171-175, 181-187, 197, 242, 248-249, 268-270, 285, 291
[17823] 2021 Kaeser, M.-A.
Quelques silex annonciateurs d’une « révolution archéologique »
L’Égypte au MEN : regards croisés. Les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel 10 52-57
[17546] 2021 Shirai, N.
The development of cereal cultivation and the evolution of lithic technology in Egypt in the Middle Holocene
Revolutions. The neolithisation of the Mediterranean basin: The transition to food-producing economies in north Africa, southern Europe, and the Levant. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 68 245-264
[17435] 2021 Mazzucco, N.
First insights into the Lower Egyptian culture stone tools: A traceological analysis of the Tell el-Iswid lithic assemblage
Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 547-558
[17397] 2021 Lucarini, G. & Radini, A.
A disregarded nobility: The role and exploitation of wild plants in north Africa during the Holocene, analyzed through an integrated functional analysis on non-knapped stone tools
Revolutions. The neolithisation of the Mediterranean basin: The transition to food-producing economies in north Africa, southern Europe, and the Levant. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 68 69-84
[17378] 2021 Lajs, K.
Two fragments of Early Dynastic flint bangles from Tell el-Murra in the context of finds from ancient Egypt
SAAC 25 73-86