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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17173] 2022 Döhl, R.
Felsbilder Ägyptens. Zeichen einer sozialisierten Landschaft
[17594] 2020 Vandenbeusch, M.
Sur les pas de l'âne dans la religion égyptienne
[16868] 2018 Maydana, S.F.
Poder y violencia en los petroglifos del Egipto Predinástico. La cacería del hipopótamo como imagen de prestigio preestatal
Sociedades antigues del creciente fértil 642-676
[16659] 2018 Begon, M.
Une mention d'Iry-Hor dans le sud du désert Oriental
NeHet 2 31-36
[16270] 2018 Begon, M.
La royauté thinite et le désert oriental
Egypte, Afrique & Orient 90 13-24
[13542] 2010 Morrow, M.; Morrow, M.; Judd, T.; Phillipson, G.
Desert RATS: Rock art topographical survey in Egypt's Eastern Desert. Site catalogue
BAR International series 2166
[13485] 2010 Judd, T.
Recent discoveries of rock art in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Archéo-Nil 20 156-171
[10480] 2002 Morrow, M.; Morrow, T. (eds.)
Desert RATS. Rock Art Topographical Survey in Egypt's Eastern Desert. Site catalogue
[9597] 2000 Wilton, J.
A desert diary. The Sussex Egyptology Society Mission. Survey expedition January 1999
The followers of Horus. Eastern Desert Survey Report. Volume one 169-176
[9522] 2000 Rohl, D.M. (ed.)
The followers of Horus. Eastern Desert survey report. Volume one
[9459] 2000 Oakey, M.
A newcomer's guide to the Eastern Desert survey. Survey expedition December 1999
The followers of Horus. Eastern Desert Survey Report. Volume one 192-200
[9442] 2000 Morrow, M.; Morrow, M.
Ships of the desert. Survey expedition November 1997
The followers of Horus. Eastern Desert Survey Report. Volume one 177-186
[9177] 2000 Cherry, P.
Noah's Egyptian ark. A field guide to the fauna of the Eastern Desert
The followers of Horus. Eastern Desert Survey Report. Volume one 187-191