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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17820] 2020 Jesse, F.
From hunters to herders: The Libyan Desert in prehistoric times
The Oxford handbook of ancient Nubia 251-269
[16948] 2019 Schild, R.
The Combined Prehistoric Expedition on the Nile, Atbara and in the Western Desert
When the Sahara was green. Polish research on the Prehistory of north Africa 35-47
[16939] 2019 Rilly, C.
Les peuples pasteurs. Les cultures protohistoriques: Groupe A, Pré-kerma
Histoire et civilisations du Soudan de la préhistoire à nos jours 48-58
[16757] 2019 Gatto, M.C.
The later Prehistory of Nubia in its interregional setting
Handbook of ancient Nubia 259-291
[16472] 2018 Nassr, A.H.
Early Stone Age tools variability in the Nile basin: A new investigation in the eastern desert of lower Atbara river, Sudan
Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf. Studies in African Archaeology 15 47-70
[16467] 2018 Moreno Garcia, J.C.
Elusive "Libyans": Identities, lifestyles and mobile populations in NE Africa (late 4th-early 2nd millennium BCE)
Journal of Egyptian History 11, 1-2 147-184
[16115] 2018 Nicoll, K.A.
A revised chronology for Pleistocene paleolakes and Middle Stone Age - Middle Paleolithic cultural activity at Bîr Tirfawi - Bîr Sahara in the Egyptian Sahara
Quaternary International 463, Part A 18-28
[16390] 2017 Hill, C.L.; Schild, R.
Paleohydrology and paleoenvironments at Bir Sahara: Pleistocene lithostratigraphy and sedimentology in the southern Egyptian Sahara
Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 201-215
[16162] 2017 Scerri, E.M.L.
The North African Middle Stone Age and its place in recent human evolution
Evolutionary Anthropology 26 119-135
[14372] 2012 Whiting Blome, M.; Cohen, A.S.; Tryon, C.A.; Brooks, A.S.; Russell, J.
The environmental context for the origins of modern human diversity: a synthesis of regional variability in African climate 150,000-30,000 years ago
Journal of Human Evolution 62,5 563-592
[13449] 2009 Hill, C.L.
Stratigraphy and sedimentology at Bir Sahara, Egypt: Environments, climate change and the Middle Paleolithic
Catena 78 250-259
[11687] 2006 Beyin, A.
The Bab al Mandab vs the Nile-Levant: An appraisal of the two dispersal routes for early modern humans Out of Africa
AAR 23 5-30
[15105] 2004 Aumassip, G.
Préhistoire du Sahara et de ses abords
[10373] 2002 Gatto, M.C.
Two Predynastic pottery caches at Bir Sahara (Egyptian Western Desert)
Sahara 13 45-82
[9863] 2001 Midant-Reynes, B.
[The Prehistory of Egypt. From the first Egyptians to the first pharaohs] [Arabic]
[9765] 2001 Hill, C.L.
Geologic contexts of the Acheulian (Middle Pleistocene) in the Eastern Sahara
Geoarchaeology 16 65-94
[9935] 2000 Van Peer, P.; Vermeersch, P.M.
The Nubian Complex and the dispersal of modern humans in North Africa
Recent research into the Stone Age of Northeastern Africa. Studies in African Archaeology 7 47-60
[9434] 2000 Midant-Reynes, B.
The Prehistory of Egypt. From the first Egyptians to the first pharaohs
[8775] 1997 Chenal-Vélardé, I.
Les premières traces de boeuf domestique en Afrique du Nord: état de la recherche centré sur les données archéozoologiques
Animals and people in the Holocene of North Africa. ArchaeoZoologia IX,2 11-40
[8669] 1997 Wendorf, F.; Close, A.E.; Schild, R.
Libyan Desert. Désert libyque
Sahara. Paléomilieux et peuplement préhistorique au pleistocène supérieur 313-338
[11985] 1996 Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.
The Middle Paleolithic settlement system in the Eastern Sahara
Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Stone Age settlement systems. XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric sciences. Forli - Italia - 8-14 September 1996 305-312
[7961] 1994 Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.; Close, A.E.; Schwarcz, H.P.; Miller, G.H.; Grün, R.; Bluszc, A.; Stokes, S.; Morawska, L.; Huxtable, J.; Lundberg, J.; Hill, C.L.; McKinney, C.
A chronology for the Middle and Late Pleistocene wet episodes in the Eastern Sahara
Late Quaternary chronology and paleoclimates of the Eastern Mediterranean 147-168
[7959] 1994 Wendorf, F.; Close, A.E.; Schild, R.
Africa in the period of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and contemporaries
History of humanity. Vol. I. Prehistory and the beginnings of civilization 117-135
[7161] 1993 Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.; Close, A.E.
Summary and conclusions
Egypt during the last interglacial: The Middle Paleolithic of Bir Tafawi and Bir Sahara East 552-573
[7160] 1993 Wendorf, F.; Schild, R.; Close, A.E.
Middle Palaeolithic occupations at Bir Tarfawi and Bir Sahara East, Western Desert of Egypt
Environmental change and human culture in the Nile basin and Northern Africa until the Second Millenium B.C., Studies in African Archaeology 4 103-111