Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
7 référencesreferences
[17820] | 2020 | Jesse, F. |
From hunters to herders: The Libyan Desert in prehistoric times The Oxford handbook of ancient Nubia 251-269 |
[16939] | 2019 | Rilly, C. |
Les peuples pasteurs. Les cultures protohistoriques: Groupe A, Pré-kerma Histoire et civilisations du Soudan de la préhistoire à nos jours 48-58 |
[14680] | 2013 | Riemer, H.; Lange, M.; Kindermann, K. |
When the desert dried up: Late Prehistoric cultures and contacts in Egypt and northern Sudan The first cataract of the Nile. One region - diverse perspectives. SDAIK 36 157-183 |
[14248] | 2012 | Kröpelin, S. |
La fin du Sahara vert Des climats et des hommes 201-219 |
[13825] | 2010 | Jesse, F. |
Early pottery in northern Africa. An overview Journal of African Archaeology 8,2 219-238 |
[12164] | 2007 | Jesse, F.; Keding, B.; Pöllath, N.; Bechhaus-Gerst, M.; Lenssen-Erz, T. |
Cattle herding in the southern Libyan Desert Atlas of cultural and environmental change in arid Africa. Africa Praehistorica 21 46-49 |
[12297] | 2006 | Schuck, W. |
Wadi Shaw 82/82. Grabungen und Einzelfunde des 5. bis 3. Jahrtausends v.Chr Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal. Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan). Africa Praehistorica 19 583-613 |
[12296] | 2006 | Schuck, W. |
Wadi Shaw 82/33. Eine Bergsiedlung des 4. Jahrtausends v.Chr Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal. Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan). Africa Praehistorica 19 541-581 |
[12283] | 2006 | Richter, J. |
Wadi Shaw 83/120. Zeltanlagen der nubischen A-Gruppe Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal. Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan). Africa Praehistorica 19 503-538 |
[12204] | 2006 | Lange, M.; Nordström, H.-A. |
Abkan connections - The relationship between the Abkan culture in the Nile valley and early Nubian sites from the Laqiya region (Eastern Sahara, northwest-Sudan) Archaeology of early northeastern Africa. In memory of Lech Krzyżaniak 297-312 |
[12203] | 2006 | Lange, M. |
Development of pottery production in the Laqiya-Region, Eastern Sahara CRIPEL 26 243-251 |
[12202] | 2006 | Lange, M. |
Fundplätze des 5. bis 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal. Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan). Africa Praehistorica 19 15-343 |
[12201] | 2006 | Lange, M. |
Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal. Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan) Africa Praehistorica 19 |
[12461] | 2005 | Binder, M.; Uerpmann, A.; Henke, W. |
Enthesiopathien bei frühund mittelholozänen menschlichen Skelettresten aus Wadi Shaw und Burg et-Tuyur (Sudan) - ein humanökologischer Interpretationsversuch Anthropologie 43 283-293 |
[11470] | 2004 | Lange, M. |
Wadi Shaw 82/52: A Peridynastic settlement site in the Western Desert and its relations to the Nile Valley Nubian studies 1998. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society of Nubian Studies. August 21-26, 1998. Boston, Massachusetts 315-324 |
[10899] | 2003 | Lange, M. |
A-Group settlement sites from the Laqiya region (Eastern Sahara, Northwest Sudan) Cultural markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and recent research. Studies in African Archaeology 8 105-127 |
[10850] | 2003 | Jesse, F. |
Early ceramics in the Sahara and the Nile Valley Cultural markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and recent research. Studies in African Archaeology 8 35-50 |
[10848] | 2003 | Jesse, F. |
Rahib 80/87. Ein Wavy-Line-Fundplatz im Wadi Howar und die früheste Keramik in Nordafrika Africa Praehistorica 16 |
[14051] | 2002 | Linstädter, J.; Richter, J.; Linstädter, A. |
Optimale Datenerhebung mit minimaler Aufwand Archäologische Informationen 25,1-2 99-106 |
[11736] | 2002 | Gabriel, B. |
Spuren im Sand und Gestein - Kulturhistorische Landschaftselemente der Sahara Friedrich Konrad Hornemann in Siwa - 200 Jahre Afrikaforschung 132-145 |
[10521] | 2002 | Simon, C.; Menk, R.; Kramar, C. |
The human remains from Wadi Shaw (Sudan) - A study of physical anthropology and paleopathology Tides of the desert - Gezeiten der Wüste 257-275 |
[10517] | 2002 | Schuck, W. |
Steinzeitlicher Gräber im Wadi Shaw (Nordsudan) Tides of the desert - Gezeiten der Wüste 239-255 |
[10412] | 2002 | Hoelzmann, P. |
Lacustrine sediments as key indicators of climate change during the Late Quaternary in Western Nubia (Eastern Sahara) Tides of the desert - Gezeiten der Wüste 375-388 |
[7674] | 1995 | Kuper, R. |
Prehistoric research in the Southern Libyan Desert. A brief account and some conclusions of the B.O.S. project CRIPEL 17 123-140 |
[8189] | 1994 | Kuper, R. |
Prehistoric research in the Southern Libyan Desert. A brief account and some conclusions of the B.O.S. project Nubia thirty years later. Society for Nubian Studies Eighth International Conference. Lille, 1994 1-10 |
7 référencesreferences