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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17202] 2021 Faltings, D.A.
Aulâd esh-Sheikh: Hermann Ranke's short trip into the Early Dynastic
Remove that pyramid. Studies on the archaeology and history of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. OLA 305 405-466
[13139] 2008 La Loggia, A.S.
The use of stone in Early Dynastic Egyptian construction
BACE 19 73-93
[10407] 2002 Hendrickx, S.; van den Brink, E.C.M.
Inventory of Predynastic and Early Dynastic cemetery and settlement sites in the Egyptian Nile Valley.
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 346-399
[10310] 2002 Campagno, M.
De los jefes-parientes a los reyes-dioses. Surgimiento y consolidación del Estado en el antiguo Egipto
Aula Aegyptiaca Studia 3
[4815] 1991 Mortensen, B.
Change in the settlement pattern and population in the beginning of the historical period
Ägypten und Levante 2 11-37
[3373] 1961 Kaiser, W.
Bericht über eine archäologische-geologische Felduntersuchung in Ober- und Mittelägypten
MDAIK 17 1-53
[5628] 1926 Ranke, H.
Bericht über die Versuchsgrabung 1913. II. Aulâd esch-Schêch
Koptische Friedhöfe bei Karâra und der Amontempel Scheschonks I bei El Hibe 8-13