Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
10 référencesreferences
[17999] | 2023 | Tallet, P. |
An overview of official and private inscriptions related to Sinai expeditions from the Naqada period to the end of the Old Kingdom Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 175-188 |
[17746] | 2022 | Förster, F.; Hendrickx, S. & Matić, U. |
Violence, sex and humiliation in a unique dynasty 0 rock art scene at Wadi Ameyra, SW-Sinai Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 89-105 |
[17724] | 2022 | D'Itria, E. |
Il perpetuarsi di elementi iconografici dall'Egitto predinastico alla Nubia protostorica. Analisi comparativa tra il repertorio iconografico di Kerma e gli antecedenti egiziani Egitto e Vicino Oriente antico tra passato e futuro. The stream of tradition: la genesi e il perpetuarsi delle tradizioni in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico 293-303 |
[17692] | 2022 | Cismondi, E. |
Pastoralismo y circulación de bienes en la Península del Sinaí durante el Predinástico y el Dinástico Temprano VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Egiptología. Buenos Aires, 5-7 de septiembre de 2022. Libro de resúmenes 29 |
[9533] | 2000 | Shaw, I. |
Egypt and the outside world The Oxford history of ancient Egypt 314-329 |
[6651] | 1989 | Tutundžić, S.P. |
The problem of foreign north-eastern relations of Upper Egypt, particularly in Badarian period: An aspect Late Prehistory of the Nile basin and the Sahara 255-260 |
[6605] | 1987 | Tomlinson, A. |
Sinaï-Thamoud and 'Aad, Archaic palettes and mace heads ASAE 66 161-188 |
[4739] | 1981 | Mittmann, S. |
Frühägyptische Siegelinschriften und ein srh-Emblem des Horus 'h3 aus dem nördlichen Negeb Eretz-Israel 15 1-9 |
[2545] | 1974 | Giveon, R. |
A second relief of Sekhemkhet in Sinai BASOR 216 17-20 |
[161] | 1973 | Amiran, R.; Beit-Arieh, I.; Glass, J. |
The interrelations between Arad and sites in Southern Sinai in the Early Bronze Age II IEJ 23 193-197 |
10 référencesreferences