Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
735 référencesreferences (30 pages) ToutAll
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[18001] | 2023 | Thierry de Maigret |
Vase à panse ovoïde. Vase à panse ovoïde. Vase tubulaire. Vase à panse hémisphérique Archéologie, céramiques européennes. A divers & colection Michel Bonnefond. Hôtel Drouot. Mercredit 12 avril 2023 n° 5-9 |
[17918] | 2023 | Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch |
Greywacke palette in the form of a fish. Greywacke palette in the form of an ostrich. Pottery jar An eye into the ancient past. Antiquities from 3000 B.C. - 300 A.D. n° 2-4 |
[17809] | 2023 | Hôtel des ventes de Monte-Carlo |
Vase avec couvercle. Jarre Blacktop. Jarre Blacktop. Rare jarre prédynastique Glyptique - archéologie - numismatique. Dimanche 16 juillet 2023 n° 106, 161-163 |
[17808] | 2023 | Hôtel des ventes de Monte-Carlo |
Jarre blacktop. Rare jarre. Petit vase tonnelet Glyptique - bijoux anciens - numismatique - archéologie - Chine - art précolumbien. Mardi 7 février 2023 n° 329-330, 332 |
[17800] | 2023 | Hindman |
Two Egyptian flint tools. An Egyptian flint blade. An Egyptian flint knife Antiquities & ancient art n° 56-61 |
[17646] | 2023 | Bonhams |
An Egyptian greywacke palette. Three Egyptian stone vessels. An Egyptian diorite jar. An Egyptian pink limestone footed jar. An Egyptian pink limestone ovoid jar. An Egyptian alabaster oval bowl. An Egyptian breccia double unguent jar. A small Egyptian anorthosite gneiss footed cup. An Egyptian green serpentinite bowl. An Egyptian veined alabaster bowl. An Egyptian granodiorite shouldered jar. A tall Egyptian banded alabaster jar Antiquities. Thursday 6 July 2023. Sale 28261 n° 263, 265, 315-322, 325, 327 |
[17631] | 2023 | Artcurial |
Vase black top. Vase black top. Palette Archéologie & arts d'Orient. Mercredi 24 mai 2023 n° 1, 25-26 |
[17987] | 2022 | Sotheby's New York |
An Egyptian black-topped redware beaker The Aly and Elliot Lawrence collection. Tuesday 24 May 2022. Sale N10968 n° 4 |
[17986] | 2022 | Sotheby's London |
An Egyptian breccia or diorite jar. An Egyptian greywacke cosmetic palette Ancient sculpture and works of art. Tuesday 5 July 2022. Sale L22260 n° 120, 140 |
[17985] | 2022 | Sotheby's London |
An Egyptian porphyritic diorite pestle. An Egyptian basalt jar. An Egyptian diorite palette. An Egyptian greywacke cosmetic palette. An Egyptian pottery jar Ancient sculpture and works of art part II. Wednesday 7 December 2022. Sale L22262 n° 125-129 |
[17984] | 2022 | Sotheby's London |
An Egyptian porphyritic diorite jar. An Egyptian buffware pottery jar Ancient sculpture and works of art part I. Tuesday 6 December 2022. Sale L22261 n° 1-2 |
[17920] | 2022 | Oriental art auctions |
An Egyptian granite bowl Art of antiquity 28 June 2022 n° 18 |
[17917] | 2022 | Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch |
Breccia dish. Greywacke palette. Calcite twin-handled jar Ancient, African and Oceanic art n° 29-31 |
[17690] | 2022 | Christie's London |
An Egyptian black-topped redware jar. A large Egyptian schist offering dish Antiquities, including ancient engraved gams formerly in the G. Sangiorgi collection part IV. Wednesday 7 December 2022. Sale 21015 n° 1, 3 |
[17645] | 2022 | Bonhams |
A tall Egyptian banded alabaster jar. An Egyptian square greywacke palette. An Egyptian greywacke palette. An Egyptian diorite bowl. A large Egyptian alabaster shallow bowl. Four Egyptian stone vessels Antiquities. Thursday 8 December 2022. Sale 27801 n° 213, 257-261 |
[17580] | 2022 | Thierry de Maigret |
Vase tubulaire Arts précolombiens - art tribal. Art de l'islam. Archéologie. Hôtel Drouot, Vendredi 11 mars 2022 n° 210 |
[17557] | 2022 | Sotheby's New York |
Egyptian black-topped redware beaker The Amy & Elliot Lawrence collection. New York, 24 May 2022. N10968 n° 4 |
[17556] | 2022 | Sotheby's London |
An Egyptian breccia or diorite jar. An Egyptian greywacke cosmetic palette Ancient sculptures and works of art. London, 5 July 2022. L22260 n° 120, 140 |
[17485] | 2022 | Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch |
Flint knife. Porphyritic diorite pestle. Diorite furniture fitting. Diorite palette. Diorite palette. Greywacke fish palette. Greywacke palette in the form of an animal. Greywacke palette depicting a Nile scene. Porphyritic diorite jar. Breccia twin-handled vase. Breccia twin-handled vase. Basalt twin-handled vase. Schist offering tray. Pottery jar. Pottery jar. Terracotta twin-handled vessel. Breccia dish. Breccia twin-handled flask. Diorite jar. Calcite twin-handled jar "Yes, wonderful things" Egyptian art from 3000 - 100 B.C. n° 1-15, 43-46, 48 |
[17298] | 2022 | Hôtel des ventes de Monte-Carlo |
Lot de 9 pointes du Fayum. Grattoir en silex. Couteau en silex. 6 éléments en silex "spearhead". Lame de couteau. Canif à dos. Ensemble de forets Glyptique & bijoux anciens. Préhistoire-archéologie. Art précolumbien. Dimanche 17 juillet 2022 n° 244, 247-251 |
[17253] | 2022 | Gorny & Mosch |
Nilpferd. Schwarze Basaltvase. Schminkpalette aus Diorit Auktion 287. Kunst der Antike. 12. Juli 2022 n° 328, 333, 335 |
[17124] | 2022 | Christie's New York |
An Egyptian amethyst jar Antiquities. 12 April 2022. Live auction 20677 n° 11 |
[17114] | 2022 | Charles Ede Ltd. |
Terracotta painted jar. Terracotta painted jar. Red and yellow limestone shallow bowl Catalogue 201 4-8, 66-67 |
[17070] | 2022 | Bonhams |
An Egyptian Black-topped pottery jar. An Egyptian greywacke palette. An Egyptian square greywacke palette. An Egyptian grewacke palette in the form of a bird. An Egyptian greywacke palette. Four Egyptian stone vessels. An Egyptian banded alabaster jar. Two Egyptian stone bowls. An Egyptian nummulitic limestone macehead. An Egyptian limestone squat jar Antiquities. 7 July 2022 n° 1-9, 52 |
[18003] | 2021 | TimeLine auctions |
Egyptian alabaster bowl. Egyptian diorite offering bowl. Egyptian greywacke cosmetic palette. Egyptian black-topped jar collection Ancient art & antiquities. 30 November 2021 n° 1-2, 5-6 |