Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
1189 référencesreferences (48 pages) ToutAll
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[18026] | 2023 | Varadzinová, L. |
On giraffes and people in the savannah of the Eastern Sahel The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 29 |
[18021] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D.; Gatto, M.C.; Darnell, J.C.; Bertoncello, V.; Facciani, S. & Urcia, A. |
Late Predynastic rock art in Egypt: Considerations on engravers’ techniques and specialisation The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 42 |
[18019] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D. & Bertoncello, V. |
Recent discoveries of the Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project at Nag el-Tawil (Aswan’s West Bank, Egypt) The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 34 |
[18018] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D. |
Rock art and rising powers in early Egypt The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 43 |
[18017] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D. |
Pre-pharonic rock art: A new Eldorada for research? When answers are carved in stone Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 33-52 |
[17999] | 2023 | Tallet, P. |
An overview of official and private inscriptions related to Sinai expeditions from the Naqada period to the end of the Old Kingdom Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 175-188 |
[17941] | 2023 | Polkowski, P.L. |
Rock art and graffiti studies in Egypt and Nubia Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 1- |
[17910] | 2023 | Nicolini, S. & Gatto, M.C. |
How far south? Hunting scenes and towed boats between Egypt and Nubia Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 283-304 |
[17899] | 2023 | Morenz, L. & Abdelhay Abu Bakr, M. |
An ostrich-man and other images from the Neolithic and the Early Dynastic period north of Aswan: Recording rock art in Wadi Naam, Wadi Agebab and some other wadis The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 32 |
[17880] | 2023 | Maydana, S.F. |
Ancient Egypt seen from the global south: Human-animal interactions in rock art The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 21 |
[17879] | 2023 | Maydana, S.F. |
¿Arte? egipcio. Una introducción RIHAO 23 137-156 |
[17857] | 2023 | Lippiello, L. |
Light, shadow and image: Rock art at Khor Abu Subeira South 1, Aswan, Egypt The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 33 |
[17852] | 2023 | Lankester, F. |
Predynastic routes in Egypt’s Eastern Desert: Rock art, regional connections and motives for travel The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 26 |
[17827] | 2023 | Kelany, A. |
A possible transition in rock art from the Late Palaeolithic to the Epipalaeolithic period in Wadi Abu Subeira, Aswan Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 269-282 |
[17814] | 2023 | Ikram, S. |
Reflections on representations of cartography and landscape in Khargan rock art The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 23 |
[17793] | 2023 | Hendrickx, S. & Förster, F. |
« Dead or alive ? » Considérations sur des animaux prédynastiques égyptiens représentés verticalement Le gai sçavoir. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Loïc Le Quellec 119-132 |
[17791] | 2023 | Hendrickx, S. & Claes, W. |
A review of Dirk Huyge’s work on the rock art of Elkab The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 39 |
[17781] | 2023 | Hardtke, F.E. & Claes, W. |
The Belgian-Australian Mission to el-Hosh, Egypt The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 44 |
[17771] | 2023 | Graff, G. |
L’ibex et le bovin, réflexion sur le sauvage et le domestique à partir des représentations rupestres prédynastiques du wadi Abu Subeira (Assouan, désert Oriental, Égypte) The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 31 |
[17770] | 2023 | Graff, G. |
Comparing Predynastic eastern desert rock art with D-ware? Possibilities and limits Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 241-252 |
[17757] | 2023 | Gatto, M.C.; Curci, A. & Urcia, A. |
Investigating Nilotic rock art: The experience of the Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 36 |
[17744] | 2023 | Förster, F. |
Horus Den, Narmer, and a sandal bearer: Reflections on the royal smiting scenes in Wadi el-Humur, South Sinai The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 24 |
[17731] | 2023 | el-Hassanin, N. & Brémont, A. |
Overview of the Prehistoric rock art at Mudpans (Dakhla region): Topographic distribution and attempts at dating The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 22 |
[17706] | 2023 | Darnell, J.C. |
The early hieroglyphic inscriptions of the Eastern Desert hinterland of Elkab The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 40 |
[17657] | 2023 | Brémont, A. |
The exceptional Protodynastic erotic scene on Vulture Rock (Elkab): Sexual imagery in rock art practices and in Naqada III Egypt The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 41 |