Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
[17825] | 2023 | Kazimierczak, M. |
Spatial distribution of ceramic vessels from the Early Dynastic period in the funerary context: Case study of Tell el-Murra Archéo-Nil 33 107-133 |
[17851] | 2022 | Lajs, K. |
Not only professionals: Twofold production of Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom flint tools reflected in the inventory from Tell el-Murra Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 60-61 |
[17821] | 2022 | Jucha, M.A.; Kazimierczak, M.; Małecka-Drozd, N.; Bąk-Pryc, G. & Grzyb, K. |
The Nile Delta society of the 4th/3rd millennium BC as seen from the perspective of recent research at Tell el-Murra Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 51-52 |
[17495] | 2021 | Ownby, M.F. & Köhler, E.C. |
Early Egyptian ceramic fabrics: Petrographic identification of the chronological use of paste recipes for specific vessel forms Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 635-656 |
[17419] | 2021 | Małecka-Drozd, N. & Kazimierczak, M. |
Not by bread alone: Notes on grain storage and processing during the 3rd millennium BCE Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 469-499 |
[17417] | 2021 | Małecka-Drozd, N. |
More remarks on settlement patterns in the Nile delta in the 3rd millennium BC. PAM 30,2 29-79 |
[17378] | 2021 | Lajs, K. |
Two fragments of Early Dynastic flint bangles from Tell el-Murra in the context of finds from ancient Egypt SAAC 25 73-86 |
[17328] | 2021 | Kazimierczak, M. |
Corpus of types of ceramic vessels discovered in Proto- and Early Dynastic graves at Tell el-Murra cemetery Ägypten und Levante 31 179-206 |
[17327] | 2021 | Kazimierczak, M. |
Lidded jar from grave no. 40 at Tell el-Murra cemetery SAAC 25 31-53 |
[17314] | 2021 | Jucha, M.A. |
The burial customs in Early Dynastic Egypt: A view from the cemetery at Tell el-Murra (Nile Delta) Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 275-296 |
[17268] | 2021 | Hart, E. |
The production and use of Early Dynastic Egyptian flint bangles Remove that pyramid. Studies on the archaeology and history of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. OLA 305 561-596 |
[17416] | 2020 | Małecka-Drozd, N. |
The Nile delta during the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods. Preliminary remarks on the evolution of settlement landscape PAM 29,2 13-58 |
[17329] | 2020 | Kazimierczak, M. & Grzyb, K. |
Distribution of pottery coffins and ceramic vessels within the Early Dynastic graves from Tell el-Murra cemetery Ägypten und Levante 30 415-444 |
[16980] | 2020 | Tristant, Y. |
L'occupation humaine dans le delta du Nil au Ve et IVe millénaires. Approche géoarchéologique à partir de la région de Samara (delta oriental) |
[17040] | 2019 | Bąk-Pryc, G.; Kazimierczak, M.; Małecka-Drozd, N. & Jucha, M.A. |
The Nile delta settlement development and rol in the process of the formation of the Egyptian state International Congress of Egyptologists XII. Cairo, Egypt 3-8 November 2019. Book of abstracts 132-133 |
[17039] | 2019 | Bąk-Pryc, G.; Dębowska-Ludwin, J. & Jucha, M.A. |
Similar but different Early Dynastic middle class burials of the Nile delta International Congress of Egyptologists XII. Cairo, Egypt 3-8 November 2019. Book of abstracts 299-300 |
[16839] | 2019 | Lajs, K. |
Evolution of ancient Egyptian bifacial flint knives. A view from the settlement in Tell el-Murra Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 23 7-27 |
[16811] | 2019 | Jucha, M.A. |
From Tell el-Farkha to Tell el-Murra Tell el-Farkha. 20 years of Polish excavations 52-57 |
[16813] | 2018 | Jucha, M.A.; Bąk-Pryc, G.; Małecka-Drozd, N.; Kazimierczak, M. |
Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey): Research in 2016-2017 Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 27,1 149-167 |
[16453] | 2018 | Małecka-Drozd, N.; Kazimierczak, M. |
The Nile delta settlements during the 3rd millennium BC. The view from Tell el-Murra Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 59-69 |
[16405] | 2018 | Jucha, M.A. |
Settlement development in the north-eastern part of the Nile delta at the turn of the Naqada II and Naqada III phases Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 53-58 |
[16315] | 2018 | Czarnowicz, M. |
Examples of copper harpoon of Naqada culture in the eastern Nile delta Mining for ancient copper. Essays in memory of Beno Rothenberg. Tel Aviv University. Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Monograph Series 37 526-539 |
[16265] | 2018 | Bąk-Pryc, G. |
Lower Egyptian culture in the Nile delta. Recent research and new perspectives Eastern Nile delta in the 4th millennium BC 47-51 |
[16812] | 2017 | Jucha, M.A.; Bąk-Pryc, G.; Małecka-Drozd, N.; Kazimierczak, M. |
Tell el-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey): Preliminary report on research in 2014-2015 Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 26,1 137-160 |
[16129] | 2017 | Ownby, M. |
Early Egyptian ceramic fabrics: Petrographic identification of the use of specific paste recipes over time and their relationship to specific vessel forms Origins 6 International conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Vienna, September 2017. Abstract book 26 |