Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
[17780] | 2023 | Hafsaas, H. |
The role of warfare and headhunting in forming ethnic identity: Violent clashes between A-Group and Naqada peoples in Lower Nubia (mid-4th millennium BCE) Dotawo a Journal of Nubian Studies 8 6-68 |
[15269] | 2015 | Hartley, M. |
The significance of Predynastic canid burials in ancient Egypt Archéo-Nil 25 57-74 |
[13955] | 2011 | Roy, J. |
The politics of trade: Egypt and Lower Nubia in the 4th millennium BC Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 47 |
[13403] | 2010 | Glück, B. |
Post-A-Group and "Proto"-C-Group in Lower Nubia Between the cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Nubian Studies. Warsaw University, 28 August - 2 September 2006. Part two, fasc. 1. Session papers. PAM Supplement Series 2 371-385 |
[13638] | 2009 | Török, L. |
The beginnings: A-Group Nubia and the emerging Egyptian state (c. 3700-2800 BC) Between two worlds: The frontier region between ancient Nubia and Egypt, 3700 BC - 500 AD. PdÄ 29 23-51 |
[15506] | 2006 | Gatto, M.C.; Cremaschi, M. |
Progetto di ricognizione geoarcheologica nelle regione di Aswan-Kom Ombo. Geo-archaeological survey project in the Aswan-Kom Ombo region R.I.S.E. Richerche Italiane e Scavi in Egitto II 235-256 |
[11608] | 2004 | Takamiya, I.H. |
Egyptian pottery distribution in A-Group cemeteries, Lower Nubia: Towards an understanding of exchange systems between the Naqada culture and the A-Group culture JEA 90 35-62 |
[10703] | 2003 | Flores, D.V. |
Funerary sacrifice of animals in the Egyptian Predynastic period BAR International series 1153 |
[10404] | 2002 | Hendrickx, S.; Bavay, L. |
The relative chronological position of Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic tombs with objects imported from the Near East and the nature of interregional contacts Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 58-80 |
[10399] | 2002 | Hendrickx, S. |
Bovines in Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic iconography Droughts, food and culture. Ecological change and food security in Africa's Later Prehistory 275-318 |
[9424] | 2000 | Meeks, D. |
Le corail dans l'Egypte ancienne Corallo di ieri, corallo di oggi. Atti del Convegno Ravello, Villa Rufolo 13-15 decembre 1996 99-119 |
[9269] | 1999 | Flores, D.V. |
The funerary sacrifice of animals during the Predynastic period (Egypt) U.M.I |
[8358] | 1997 | Bavay, L. |
Matière première et commerce à longue distance: le lapis-lazuli et l'Egypte prédynastique Archéo-Nil 7 79-100 |
[7900] | 1994 | Simon, C. |
Evaluation de la morphologie des populations humaines de Nubie. Essai sur la variabilité des populations Etudes nubiennes. Conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d'études nubiennes, 3-8 septembre 1990. Vol II 287-294 |
[7629] | 1994 | Hendrickx, S. |
Antiquités préhistoriques et protodynastiques d'Egypte Guides du département égyptien 8 |
[4764] | 1993 | Molleson, T.I. |
The Nubian pathological collection in the Natural History Museum, London Biological anthropology and the study of ancient Egypt 136-143 |
[6338] | 1991 | Smith, H.S. |
The development of the 'A-Group' culture in Northern Lower Nubia Egypt and Africa. Nubia from Prehistory to Islam 92-111 |
[3124] | 1977 | Hofmann, I. |
Die Grosse Göttin des Ostmittelmeerraumes im Meroitischen Reich SAK 5 79-121 |
[5262] | 1968 | Payne, J.C. |
Lapis lazuli in early Egypt Iraq 30 58-61 |
[4859] | 1968 | Müller-Karpe, H. |
Ägypten Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Band II. Jungsteinzeit. Regesten gewichtiger Funde 396-413 |
[5852] | 1918 | Ruffer, M.A. |
Arthritis Deformans and Spondylitis in ancient Egypt Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 22 152-196 |
[6334] | 1910 | Smith, G.E.; Jones, F.W. |
The archaeological survey of Nubia. Report for 1907-1908. Vol. II. Report on the human remains 2 vols |
[5702] | 1910 | Reisner, G.A. |
The archaeological survey of Nubia. Report for 1907-1908. Vol. I. Archaeological report 2 vols |
[6308] | 1908 | Smith, G.E. |
Anatomical report The Archaeological Survey of Nubia, Bulletin 1 25-35 |
[5697] | 1908 | Reisner, G.A. |
The archaeological survey The Archaeological Survey of Nubia, Bulletin 1 9-24 |