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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17793] 2023 Hendrickx, S. & Förster, F.
« Dead or alive ? » Considérations sur des animaux prédynastiques égyptiens représentés verticalement
Le gai sçavoir. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Loïc Le Quellec 119-132
[17661] 2023 Brukner Havelková, P.; Crevecoeur, I.; Varadzin, L.; Ambrose, S.H.; Tartar, E.; Thibeault, A.; Buckley, M.; Villotte, S. & Varadzinová, L.
Patterns of violence in the pre-Neolithic Nile valley
African Archaeological Review
[17904] 2022 Morenz, L.D. & Sabel, D.
Koptos als das überregionale Zentrum der proto- und frühdynastischen Expeditionsaktivität, die monumentalen Min-Statuen und ihre markante mediale Sinnaufladung
Wege zur frühen Schrift: Niltal und Zweistromland. Thot 3 125-164
[17903] 2022 Morenz, L.D. & Büma, B.
Potentielle Polysemie und unser Entscheidungsdilemma: Überlegungen zur ROSETTE in der Prä-, Proto- und Frühdynastik
Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 173-186
[17782] 2022 Hardtke, F.E.; Claes, W.; Darnell, J.C.; Hameeuw, H.; Hendrickx, S. & Vanhulle, D.
Early royal iconography: A rock art panel from el-Hosh (Upper Egypt)
Archéo-Nil 32 25-49
[17745] 2022 Förster, F. & Hendrickx, S.
A triumphal shrine depicted on an early Naqada III bowl from Qustul, Lower Nubia
Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 59-88, 264
[17939] 2021 Polkowski, P.L.
Animals in Egyptian rock art
ArkeoGazte 11 191-215
[17900] 2021 Morenz, L.D.
VerLautungen von Macht. Entwicklung von Schrift-Bildlichkeit und Bild-Schriftlichkeit im Niltal des Vierten und frühen Dritten Jahrtausends v. Chr. Thot 2
[17544] 2021 Shinn, S.
A-Group Nubian glyptic: Analysis and preliminary results
Current perspectives in Sudanes and Nubian archaeology. A collection of papers presented at the 2018 Sudan Studies Research Conference, Cambridge 55-63
[17502] 2021 Paz, Y.; Segal, O.; Gophna, R.; Liphshitz, S. & Cohen-Weinberger, A.
The Early Bronze Age IB burials in the Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age I cemetery in the Palmaḥim Quarry
Atiqot 103 1-43
[17323] 2021 Kammerzell, F.
Reading multimodal compositions from Early Dynastic Egypt (with an appendix on previously unlisted, reinterpreted or otherwise noteworthy signs)
Keep out! Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom cylinder seals and sealings in context. Menes 7 1-98
[17232] 2021 Gatto, M.C.
Frankincense, incense burners and rising power in prehistoric Nubia
Evolution des sociétés humaines de la préhistoire à la protohistoire. Meknès, 2-7 septembre 2021. Receuil des résumés S20-B, 26
[17231] 2021 Gatto, M.C.
The neolithisation process in Nubia: New and old data
Revolutions. The neolithisation of the Mediterranean basin: The transition to food-producing economies in north Africa, southern Europe, and the Levant. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 68 141-156
[17075] 2021 Breyer, F.
Frühe Spuren in der Jungsteinzeit (5.-4. Jahrtausend v. Chr.). Unternubien: Die Kultur der A-Gruppe (3800-2900 v. Chr.)
Schwarze Pharaonen. Nubiens Königreiche am Nil 23-57
[17872] 2020 Masojć, M.
Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers of Nubia
The Oxford handbook of ancient Nubia 81-100
[17820] 2020 Jesse, F.
From hunters to herders: The Libyan Desert in prehistoric times
The Oxford handbook of ancient Nubia 251-269
[17662] 2020 Bubosson, J.
Cattle culture in ancient Nubia
The Oxford handbook of ancient Nubia 909-926
[17463] 2020 Morenz, L.D.; Said, A. & Abdelhay, M.
Binnenkolonisation am Beginn des ägyptischen Staates. Eine Fallstudie zur Domäne des Königs Skorpion im späten Vierten Jahrtausend v. Chr.
Katarakt, Assuaner Archäologische Arbeitspapiere 1
[17178] 2020 Drobniewicz, B. & Ginter, B.
The Middle Palaeolithic assemblage with Bahari technique from the site 21b in Deir el-Bahari (western Thebes), Upper Egypt
Archaeologia Polona 58 63-78
[16939] 2019 Rilly, C.
Les peuples pasteurs. Les cultures protohistoriques: Groupe A, Pré-kerma
Histoire et civilisations du Soudan de la préhistoire à nos jours 48-58
[16935] 2019 Raue, D.
Cultural diversity of Nubia in the later 3rd - mid 2nd millennium BC
Handbook of ancient Nubia 293-333
[16927] 2019 Polkowski, P.L.
The rock art of north-eastern Africa
When the Sahara was green. Polish research on the Prehistory of north Africa 165-176
[16757] 2019 Gatto, M.C.
The later Prehistory of Nubia in its interregional setting
Handbook of ancient Nubia 259-291
[16739] 2019 Drobniewicz, B.; Ginter, B.
Deir el-Bahari, Upper Egypt
When the Sahara was green. Polish research on the Prehistory of north Africa 105-108
[16721] 2019 Clark, R.
Securing eternity. Ancient Egyptian tomb protection from Prehistory to the pyramids