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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17689] 2023 Christiansen, S.U.
What do the figurines of ”Bird Ladies” in Predynastic Egypt represent?
Open Access Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 4,2
[17919] 2022 Ordynat, R.
Intention or accident? Discussion of deliberate breakage of human figurines in Predynastic burials
Australasion Egyptology Conference 4. Papers from the Fourth Australasian Egyptology Conference dedicated to Gillian E. Bowen. Archaeopress Egyptology 44 57-63
[17643] 2022 Beuthe, T.
The grammar of ornamentation: A Predynastic decorative continuum
Studia Orientalia Electronica 10 26-59
[17560] 2021 Speck, S.
A seal for the deceased? Early Dynastic cylinder seals bearing the offering scene re-examined
Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 697-719
[17329] 2020 Kazimierczak, M. & Grzyb, K.
Distribution of pottery coffins and ceramic vessels within the Early Dynastic graves from Tell el-Murra cemetery
Ägypten und Levante 30 415-444
[17256] 2020 Graham, L.D.
Similarities among north Mesopotamian (Late Halaf), Egyptian (Naqada), and Nubian (A-Group) female figurines of the 6-4th milennia BC.
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 27 24-37
[16932] 2020 Prezioso, E.
Cognitive archaeology and the 'ancient mind': Mesopotamian motifs in the formation of Egyptian elites in the fourth millennium
From the Prehistory of Upper Mesopotamia to the Bronze and Iron Age societies of the Levant. Vol. 1 Proceedings of the 5th "Broadening Horizons" conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017) 125-144
[16848] 2018 Lorre, C.
Female figure
Idols. The power of images 44-45
[16679] 2018 Bréand, G.
The corpus of potmarks from the Predynastic collection of the Musée d'archéologie nationale
Antiquités nationales 48 27-50
[16125] 2018 Ordynat, R.
Egyptian Predynastic anthropomorphic objects. A study of their function and significance in Predynastic burial customs
[16178] 2017 Stevenson, A.
Predynastic Egyptian figurines
The Oxford handbook of Prehistoric figurines 63-83
[16033] 2017 Jensen, V.
Predynastic precursors to the festival of drunkenness: Beer, climate change, cow-goddesses, and the ideology of kingship
Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists. Florence Egyptian Museum Florence, 23-30 August 2015. Archaeopress Egyptology 19 296-302
[15731] 2016 Ordynat, R.
Predynastic female figurines: A reappraisal of the El-Ma'Mariya corpus
Ancient cultures at Monash University: Proceedings of a conference held between 18-20 October 2014 on approaches to studying the ancient past. BAR Int. ser. 2764 47-55
[16631] 2014 Wengrow, D.
The hidden shaman: Fictive anatomy in paleolithic and neolithic art. Urban creations: The cultural ecology of composite animals
The origins of monsters. Image and cognition in the first age of mechanical reproduction 33-73
[14211] 2012 Hendrickx, S.; Eyckerman, M.
Visual representation and state development in Egypt
Archéo-Nil 22 23-72
[13955] 2011 Roy, J.
The politics of trade: Egypt and Lower Nubia in the 4th millennium BC
Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 47
[13948] 2011 Regulski, I.
Egypt's Early Dynastic cylinder seals reconsidered
BiOr 68,1-2 5-32
[13799] 2011 Hendrickx, S.; Friedman, R.F.; Eyckerman, M.
Early falcons
Vorspann oder formative Phase ? Ägypten und der Vordere Orient 3500-2700 v. Chr. Philippika 48 129-162
[13798] 2011 Hendrickx, S.; Eyckerman, M.
Tusks and tags: Between the hippopotamus and the Naqada plant
Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Third International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205 497-570
[13777] 2011 Graff, G.
Les enjeux de l'iconographie des vases peints de Naqada II (Egypte, IVe millénaire): Maintien de l'équilibre cosmique ou régénération de la vie ?
Anthropozoologica 46,1 47-64
[13621] 2010 Stoof, M.
Ägyptens Eva. Frauendarstellungen in de vor- und frühdynastischen Zeit
Antiquitates. Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse 50
[13584] 2010 Regulski, I.
A palaeographic study of early writing in Egypt
OLA 195
[13069] 2009 Graff, G.
Les peintures sur vases de Nagada I - Nagada II. Nouvelle approche sémiologique de l'iconographie prédynastique
Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 6
[12996] 2009 Bozet, N.; Bréand, G.; Cattelain, P.; Dégremont, A.; Derricks, C.; Eyckerman, M.; Hendrickx, S.; Midant-Reynes, B.; Minotti, M.; Regulski, I.; Warmenbol, E.
Catalogue thématique
Aux origines de pharaon. Guides archéologiques du Malgré-Tout 70-83
[13068] 2008 Graff, G.
A propos d'une brasseuse de bière prédynastique: Evolution iconographique et attestations archéologiques
JSSEA 35 133-151