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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[17781] 2023 Hardtke, F.E. & Claes, W.
The Belgian-Australian Mission to el-Hosh, Egypt
The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 44
[17782] 2022 Hardtke, F.E.; Claes, W.; Darnell, J.C.; Hameeuw, H.; Hendrickx, S. & Vanhulle, D.
Early royal iconography: A rock art panel from el-Hosh (Upper Egypt)
Archéo-Nil 32 25-49
[17694] 2022 Claes, W.; Hendrickx, S. & Huyge, D.
One tomb and many potsherds: A few remarks on a posible Predynastic cemetery and settlement activity at el-Hosh (Upper Egypt)
De l'Escaut au Nil: Bric-à-brac en hommage à Eugène Warmenbol à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire. Guide archéologique du Malgré-Tout 81-91
[17939] 2021 Polkowski, P.L.
Animals in Egyptian rock art
ArkeoGazte 11 191-215
[17231] 2021 Gatto, M.C.
The neolithisation process in Nubia: New and old data
Revolutions. The neolithisation of the Mediterranean basin: The transition to food-producing economies in north Africa, southern Europe, and the Levant. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 68 141-156
[17150] 2021 Darnell, J.C.
Dancing woman and waltzing ostriches: Ratites in Predynastic and Pharaonic imagery
Remove that pyramid. Studies on the archaeology and history of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. OLA 305 271-307
[17594] 2020 Vandenbeusch, M.
Sur les pas de l'âne dans la religion égyptienne
[17266] 2020 Hardtke, F.
The case of the boats with the bulls: From HK to El-Hosh
Nekhen News 32 30
[16927] 2019 Polkowski, P.L.
The rock art of north-eastern Africa
When the Sahara was green. Polish research on the Prehistory of north Africa 165-176
[16868] 2018 Maydana, S.F.
Poder y violencia en los petroglifos del Egipto Predinástico. La cacería del hipopótamo como imagen de prestigio preestatal
Sociedades antigues del creciente fértil 642-676
[16387] 2018 Hendrickx, S.; Claes, W.
Hommage à Dirk Huyge (1957-2018)
Archéo-Nil 28 11-16
[16281] 2018 Brémont, A.
Des éléphants, des hippopotames et des mouflons. Trois hypothèses de marqueurs animaux d'identités régionales pendant les périodes de Nagada I-II
Archéo-Nil 28 69-98
[15872] 2018 Brémont, A.
Studying people through animals: Dating as a new application for the study of animal depictions in Naqadan rock art
What ever happened to the people ? Humans and anthropomorphs in the rock art of northern Africa. International conference Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, Brussels, 17-19 September, 2015 475-490
[15624] 2016 Hameeuw, H.; Devillers, A.; Claes, W.
Relighting Egyptian rock art: Rapid, accurate HD imaging of Prehistoric art
Young Researchers Overseas' Day, Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, Brussels (Belgium), 16 December 2014 11 p
[15297] 2015 Huyge, D.
Speuren naar petrogliefen in Boven-Egypte
Ta-Mery 8 18-31
[15293] 2015 Huyge, D.
"Battered bulls" again: Destruction and first attempts at conservation of rock art in Egypt
The management of Egypt's cultural heritage, vol. 2 78-85
[15255] 2015 Goebs, K.
"Receive the Henu - that you may shine forth in it like Akhty". Feathers, horns and the cosmic symbolism of Egyptian composite crowns
Royal versus divine authority. Acquisition, legitimization and renewal of power. 7th symposium on Egyptian royal ideology. Prague, June 26-28, 2013. König, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 4 145-175
[15654] 2013 Huyge, D.; Claes, W.
Art rupestre gravé paléolithique de Haute Egypte: El-Hosh et Qurta
Bulletin de l'Association Scientifique Liégoise pour la Recherche Archéologique 28 21-39
[15351] 2013 Lankester, F.
Threats to Egyptian rock-art
Forming material Egypt. Proceedings of the international conference London, 20-21 May, 2013. Egyptian and Egyptological documents, archives and libraries 4 171-178
[14545] 2013 Huyge, D.; Storemyr, P.
Unique geometric rock art at el-Hosh
Ancient Egypt 13,6 24-30
[14543] 2013 Huyge, D.
10.000 ans avant "l'art du contour"
Regards sur le dessin égyptien 13-23
[14513] 2013 Graff, G.
Construire l'image, ordonner le réel. Les vases peints du IVe millénaire en Egypte
[14402] 2012 Bahn, P.
North Africa's place in rock art research
The signs of which times ? Chronological and palaeoenvironmental issues in the rock art of Northern Africa. Brussels, 3-5 June, 2010 7-25
[14222] 2012 Huyge, D.; Storemyr, P.
A 'masterpiece' of Epipalaeolithic geometric rock art from el-Hosh, Upper Egypt
Sahara 23 127-132
[14220] 2012 Huyge, D.; Claes, W.
El-Hosh et Qurta: Sur les traces du plus ancien art égyptien
Ceci n'est pas une pyramide ... Un siècle de recherche archéologique belge en Egypte 32-45