Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
2102 référencesreferences (85 pages) ToutAll
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[17786] | Hartung, U. | |
New imports at HK6 Nekhen News 34 14-15 |
[17972] | 2023 | Sherkova, T.A. |
[Symbolism of images and motives in the image texts of the Nagada culture and their transformation in the cultural and historical development of ancient Egypt] [Russian] [Bulletin of Science and Practice] [Russian] 9,1 340-362 |
[17902] | 2023 | Morenz, L.D. |
Vom alten König Menes, Wege zum Founding Father Ägyptens Schöne Denkmäler sind entstanden. Studien zu Ehren von Ursula Verhoeven 408-415 |
[17818] | 2023 | Janssens, B. |
Deux vases. Tête d’un hippopotame. Figurine de lion. Bouchon de jarre avec empreinte de sceau du roi Expéditions d’Égypte: Histoires d’une collection n° 96-99 |
[17817] | 2023 | Janssens, B. |
Twee vazen. Kop van een Nijlpaard. Leeuwtje. Kruikstop met zegelafdruk van Koning Den Expeditie Egypte: Het verhaal van een verzameling n° 96-99 |
[17813] | 2023 | Hussein, Y.M. |
The recently discovered Naqada III settlement at South Abydos ICE XII. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists. 3rd-8th November 2019, Cairo, Egypt. Vol. I 227-236 |
[17793] | 2023 | Hendrickx, S. & Förster, F. |
« Dead or alive ? » Considérations sur des animaux prédynastiques égyptiens représentés verticalement Le gai sçavoir. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Loïc Le Quellec 119-132 |
[17787] | 2023 | Hartung, U. & Friedman, R.F. |
Four Levantine vessels from Predynastic Egypt in the British Museum Archéo-Nil 33 89-105 |
[17774] | 2023 | Gräzer Ohara, A.; Van der Perre, A.; De Meyer, M. & Claes, W. |
Mastaba K1, Beit Khallaf. Shunet el-Zebib, North Abydos. ‘Royal Tomb’, Naqada. The ‘Fort’, Hierakonpolis Sura | صورة: Egypt through a Belgian lens n° 96-97, 100, 123, 167 |
[17773] | 2023 | Gräzer Ohara, A.; Van der Perre, A.; De Meyer, M. & Claes, W. |
Mastaba K1, Beit Khallaf. Shunet el-Zebib, Noord-Abydos. ‘Koninklijk graf’, Naqada. Het ‘Fort’, Hierakonpolis Sura | صورة: Egypte door een Belgische lens n° 96-97, 100, 123, 167 |
[17772] | 2023 | Gräzer Ohara, A.; Van der Perre, A.; De Meyer, M. & Claes, W. |
Le mastaba K1 à Beit Khallaf. Chounet el-Zebib à Abydos Nord. La « Tombe royale » à Naqada. Le « Fort » à Hiéraconpolis Sura | صورة: L’Égypte sous l’optique belge n° 96-97, 100, 123, 167 |
[17652] | 2023 | Brémont, A. |
Broken beyond repair. Reflections on the intentionality of breakage and its archaeological identification regarding Naqada period clay figurines Breaking images. Damage and mutilation of ancient figurines. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies 2 129-149 |
[17647] | 2023 | Borrego Gallardo, F.L. |
Wandering falcons: On the referent and meanings of Nemty hieroglyphs ( / , G7A / G7B) Animals in religion, economy and daily life of ancient Egypt and beyond. Studi Africanistici. Serie Egittologica 4 83-107 |
[17619] | 2023 | Abouzid, Y.M.H. |
Upper Egypt: Early Dynastic architecture in contet - Ankh-ka(=i)-Ankh, one official with two tombs The 74th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt. April 21-23, 2023. Minneapolis, Minnesota 83 |
[18034] | 2022 | Winkels, A. |
In situ analysis of ancient Egyptian mortars and plasters with a mobile field laboratory on major archaeological sites in Egypt Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Science of ancient Egyptian Materials and Technologies (SAEMT). Bibliothèque Générale 64 233-259 |
[18016] | 2022 | Vanhulle, D. |
Bons baisers de Russie via l’Égypte : Caisses en bois et vases en pierre aux Musées du Cinquantenaire De l'Escaut au Nil: Bric-à-brac en hommage à Eugène Warmenbol à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire. Guide archéologique du Malgré-Tout 185-188 |
[18004] | 2022 | Tourte, D. (ed.) |
Sur la piste d’Osiris: Émile Clément Amélineau (1850–1915), un égyptologue vendéen |
[17995] | 2022 | Stauder, A. |
On the visual identifier of the B7/9 king (a.k.a. “Ka/Sekhen“) Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 245-262 |
[17991] | 2022 | Sperveslage, G. |
Notes on the name of king Wadj on the Abydos necropolis seals Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 207-210 |
[17990] | 2022 | Sperveslage, G. |
Three lines on the jar: A note on a term for oil and a reinterpretation of a proposed Predynastic royal name Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 199-205 |
[17980] | 2022 | Smolik, J. |
The Hunters’ Palette: A novel explanation of the enigmatic double bull, an image that survived through the millennia JARCE 58 209-231 |
[17979] | 2022 | Silva, L.O.G. |
The fragrance of the lord: Ritual at Abydos in the first dynasty In the House of Heqanakht. Text and Context in Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honor of James P. Allen 501-514 |
[17970] | 2022 | Sherkova, T.A. |
[Iconography and attributes of Predynastic and Early Dynastic kings as a socio-cultural phenomenon] [Russian] [Bulletin of Science and Practice] [Russian] 8,9 588-607 |
[17967] | 2022 | Schweitzer, S.D. |
Zur Lesung des Namens des Königs Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 195-198 |
[17962] | 2022 | Sählhof, M. |
The funerary complex of king Djer at Umm el-Qaab: Results of the architectural studies Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 82-83 |