Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
11754 référencesreferences (471 pages) ToutAll
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[17951] | Ragheb, M. | |
The life history of beads: The case of HK6 tomb 11 Nekhen News 34 16-18 |
[17909] | Newman, J. | |
A gilded copper bead from HK6 tomb 11 Nekhen News 34 17 |
[17815] | Jaeschke, H. | |
Richard Jaeschke: A conservator's life Nekhen News 34 9-11 |
[17786] | Hartung, U. | |
New imports at HK6 Nekhen News 34 14-15 |
[17775] | Greathead, A. | |
Examining F.W. Green's Painted Tomb facsimile using infrared reflectography Nekhen News 34 19 |
[17720] | Di Pietro, G.A. & Friedman, R.F. | |
Roulette decorated' pottery at Hierakonpolis: An overview Nekhen News 34 12-13 |
[17617] | Abdallah, H.; Eshaq, R.M. & Smythe, J. | |
New views on Hierakonpolis at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo Nekhen News 34 25-27 |
[18021] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D.; Gatto, M.C.; Darnell, J.C.; Bertoncello, V.; Facciani, S. & Urcia, A. |
Late Predynastic rock art in Egypt: Considerations on engravers’ techniques and specialisation The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 42 |
[18019] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D. & Bertoncello, V. |
Recent discoveries of the Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project at Nag el-Tawil (Aswan’s West Bank, Egypt) The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 34 |
[18018] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D. |
Rock art and rising powers in early Egypt The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 43 |
[18017] | 2023 | Vanhulle, D. |
Pre-pharonic rock art: A new Eldorada for research? When answers are carved in stone Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 33-52 |
[18001] | 2023 | Thierry de Maigret |
Vase à panse ovoïde. Vase à panse ovoïde. Vase tubulaire. Vase à panse hémisphérique Archéologie, céramiques européennes. A divers & colection Michel Bonnefond. Hôtel Drouot. Mercredit 12 avril 2023 n° 5-9 |
[17978] | 2023 | Shirai, N. |
Kom W and Z basin: Surface artifact collection, culture history, and the argument over village occupation African Archaeological Review 40 205-236 |
[17972] | 2023 | Sherkova, T.A. |
[Symbolism of images and motives in the image texts of the Nagada culture and their transformation in the cultural and historical development of ancient Egypt] [Russian] [Bulletin of Science and Practice] [Russian] 9,1 340-362 |
[17969] | 2023 | Shahat, A.K. & Podzorski, P.V. |
An analysis of offerings in Predynastic Upper Egypt: A case study from the Northern Cemetery at Ballâs Current Research in Egyptology 2022. Proceedings of the twenty-secibd annual symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022 325-340 |
[17941] | 2023 | Polkowski, P.L. |
Rock art and graffiti studies in Egypt and Nubia Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 1- |
[17918] | 2023 | Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch |
Greywacke palette in the form of a fish. Greywacke palette in the form of an ostrich. Pottery jar An eye into the ancient past. Antiquities from 3000 B.C. - 300 A.D. n° 2-4 |
[17911] | 2023 | Noc, E. |
SIGSaqqâra: A digital project to understand the spatial occupation of Saqqara Ancient Egypt, new technology: The present and future of computer visualization, virtual reality and other digital humanities in Egyptology 345-373 |
[17910] | 2023 | Nicolini, S. & Gatto, M.C. |
How far south? Hunting scenes and towed boats between Egypt and Nubia Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of 'rock art' and 'graffiti' studies in Egypt and Sudan BdE 183 283-304 |
[17899] | 2023 | Morenz, L. & Abdelhay Abu Bakr, M. |
An ostrich-man and other images from the Neolithic and the Early Dynastic period north of Aswan: Recording rock art in Wadi Naam, Wadi Agebab and some other wadis The rock art of northern Africa. Third international conference. September 12-14 2023. Programme 32 |
[17898] | 2023 | Moreno García, J.C. |
Pharaonic Egypt: A singular pathway to statehood in the Early Bronze age Old World: Journal of Ancient Africa and Eurasia 1-31 |
[17891] | 2023 | Miller, J. |
A Predynastic Egyptian fish–antelope composite figure JEA |
[17888] | 2023 | Midant-Reynes, B.; Briois, F. & Dachy, T. |
L'Egypte, entre déserts et vallée. Un cheminement singulioer vers l'économie de production Le gai sçavoir. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Loïc Le Quellec 182-192 |
[17884] | 2023 | Midant-Reynes, B. |
Introduction Archéo-Nil 33 1-8 |
[17879] | 2023 | Maydana, S.F. |
¿Arte? egipcio. Una introducción RIHAO 23 137-156 |