Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
[17871] | 2022 | Martin del Rio Álvarez |
Predynastic Egyptian combs. What do we know about its function? Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 65 |
[17869] | 2022 | Maître, J. & Vanhulle, D. |
Landscape laboratory: (Re) exploring rock art at Wadi Hammamat Egyptian Archaeology 61 34-39 |
[17868] | 2022 | Maher, E.F. |
Early Bronze age fauna from Tel Lod ‘Atiqot 108 225-247 |
[17867] | 2022 | Madrigal, K. & Angevin, R. |
Autour des collections lithiques prédynastiques du musée des Confluences (Lyon, France). Louis-Charles Lortet en Égypte (1897-1909) : De la paléoécologie à la préhistoire culturelle de l’homme Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 64-65 |
[17865] | 2022 | Mączyńska, A. |
Fayumian pottery tradition. A preliminary study on the assemblage from Trench 1 at site E29H2 (Kom W), Fayum Archéo-Nil 32 73-103 |
[17864] | 2022 | Mączyńska, A. |
Pottery in Lower Egypt: Organisation and development of production in the 4th millennium BC. A view from Tell el-Farkha Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 63-64 |
[17863] | 2022 | Mączyńska, A. |
In search of individual pottery production. A study on bag-shaped jars from the Minshat Abu Omar cemetery Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 62-63 |
[17862] | 2022 | Lorre, C. |
Les vases de pierre du roi Khâsekhemouy Sur la piste d’Osiris : Émile Clément Amélineau (1850–1915), un égyptologue vendéen 100 |
[17861] | 2022 | Lorre, C. |
Le « novice » et l’archéologue: Émile Amélineau et Jacques de Morgan Sur la piste d’Osiris : Émile Clément Amélineau (1850–1915), un égyptologue vendéen 94-99 |
[17860] | 2022 | Lorre, C. |
La période thinite, au temps des premiers pharaons (3100–2700 av. J.-C.) Sur la piste d’Osiris : Émile Clément Amélineau (1850–1915), un égyptologue vendéen 69-71 |
[17859] | 2022 | Lorre, C. |
Réévaluation de la collection prédynastique égyptienne du musée d’Archéologie nationale (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) et valorisation numérique Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 61-62 |
[17856] | 2022 | Lesur, J. |
Fishing and herding in the Nile Delta during the Predynastic (4th millennium BCE) Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 61 |
[17851] | 2022 | Lajs, K. |
Not only professionals: Twofold production of Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom flint tools reflected in the inventory from Tell el-Murra Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 60-61 |
[17850] | 2022 | Kuronuma, T. |
Spatial analysis of the grave distribution in the Upper Egyptian Predynastic cemetery: A case study of the Main Cemeteries at Naqada Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 59-60 |
[17849] | 2022 | Kuhn, R. |
Gedanken zu einer frühen Statue der formativen Phase Early Egyptian miscellanies. Discussions and essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. IBAES 26 147-171 |
[17848] | 2022 | Kuhn, R. |
The stone vessel convolute in the tomb of king Dewen at Abydos. A view on special craftsmanship in Early Dynastic Egypt Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 58-59 |
[17845] | 2022 | Kuch, N. |
Frühe (Schrift)formen. Bildzeiger und Lautbilder der Ägyptische Frühzeit. Maat. Nachrichten aus dem Staatlichen Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München 25 25-32 |
[17844] | 2022 | Ktalav, I. |
The mollusks from Tel Bet Yeraḥ ‘Atiqot 108 107-111 |
[17842] | 2022 | Kroft, S. |
Developing a new approach to understanding human representations on Decorated ware vessels The 73rd annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt. April 22-24, 2022. Irvine, California 88 |
[17841] | 2022 | Kroft, S. |
Developing a new approach to understanding human representations on Decorated ware vessels Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 57-58 |
[17840] | 2022 | Köpp-Junk, H. |
Göttliche Klänge. Zur manipulativen Kraft der Musik im Alten Ägypten Die geistige und geistliche Macht der Musik. Interdisziplinäre und ökumenische Perspektiven 27-46 |
[17839] | 2022 | Köpp-Junk, H. |
Die Entwicklung der altägyptischen Musikinstrumente bis ins 1. Jt. n. Chr.: Pharaonisches Erbe oder Neubeginn? Ars inter Culturas 11 113-152 |
[17838] | 2022 | Köhler, E.C. |
Die Entstehung eines Leitfossils, Neues zur Herkunft und Entwicklung der sog. Meydum-Schalen Spuren der altägyptischen Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Stephan J. Seidlmayer. Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde Beihefte 14 409-427 |
[17837] | 2022 | Köhler, E.C. |
Visualising an ancient Egyptian queen. The tomb of Meret-Neith of the 1st Dynasty at Abydos - Umm el-Qaab revisited Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 56-57 |
[17836] | 2022 | Koerin, C. |
Cylinder Seals, witnesses of interaction between Egypt and Mesopotamia during the 4th Millennium BCE – First Results Origins 7. The 7th International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt". Paris, 19-23 September 2022 55-56 |