Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
494 référencesreferences (20 pages) ToutAll
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[9435] | 1999 | Midant-Reynes, B.; Sabatier, P. |
Préhistoire égyptienne et radiocarbone Archéo-Nil 9 83-107 |
[9309] | 1999 | Hendrickx, S. |
La chronologie de la préhistoire tardive et des débuts de l'histoire de l'Egypte Archéo-Nil 9 13-81, 99-107 |
[9197] | 1999 | Ciałowicz, K.M. |
[The beginning of Egyptian civilization] [Polish] |
[9155] | 1999 | Brewer, D.J. |
Fayum, Neolithic and Predynastic sites Encyclopedia of the archaeology of ancient Egypt 313-316 |
[9087] | 1998 | Yellen, J.E. |
Barbed bone points: Tradition and continuity in Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa AAR 15 173-198 |
[9045] | 1998 | Smith, A.B. |
Intensification and transformation processes towards food production in Africa XIII ICPPS, Forli, Italia, 8-14 September 1996. Proceedings. 6. Workshops, Tome II 1007-1019 |
[9044] | 1998 | Smith, A.B. |
Intensification and transformation processes towards food production in Africa Before food production in North Africa. Questions and tools dealing with resource exploitation and population dynamics at 12,000-7000 bp. XIII U.I.S.P.P. Congress 19-33 |
[9003] | 1998 | Nicoll, K.A. |
Holocene playas as sedimentary evidence for recent climate change in the presently hyperarid Western Desert, Egypt (Aeolian sediments) U.M.I. |
[8798] | 1998 | Donadoni Roveri, A.M.; Tiradritti, F. (eds.) |
Kemet. Alle sorgenti del tempo |
[8738] | 1998 | Barich, B.E. |
Sviluppi culturali nella depressione del Fayum Kemet. Alle sorgenti del tempo 97-100 |
[8775] | 1997 | Chenal-Vélardé, I. |
Les premières traces de boeuf domestique en Afrique du Nord: état de la recherche centré sur les données archéozoologiques Animals and people in the Holocene of North Africa. ArchaeoZoologia IX,2 11-40 |
[8679] | 1997 | Wetterström, W. |
Nile Valley: Pre-agricultural cultures Encyclopedia of precolonial Africa. Archaeology, history, languages, cultures, and environments 386-388 |
[8678] | 1997 | Wenke, R.J. |
Faiyum The Oxford encyclopedia of archaeology in the Near East vol. 2 299 |
[15517] | 1996 | Schyle, D. |
Das Epipaläolithikum und der Übergang zum Neolithikum in der Levante und in Ägypten Das Epipaläolithikum des Vorderen Orients. Band I. Teil 1. Beheifte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients. Reihe B (Geisteswissenschaften), Nr. 85/1 |
[10254] | 1996 | Kobusiewicz, M. |
Early Holocene lithic industries of Northeastern Africa Neolithic chipped stone industries of the fertile crescent, and their contemporaries in adjacent regions 23-36 |
[8318] | 1996 | Wetterström, W. |
L'apparition de l'agriculture en Egypte Archéo-Nil 6 51-75 |
[8317] | 1996 | Wetterström, W. |
La chasse-cueillete et l'agriculture en Egypte: la transition de la chasse et de la cueillette à l'horticulture dans la vallée du Nil Archéo-Nil 6 27-49 |
[8293] | 1996 | Vassilika, E. |
Museum acquisitions, 1994. Egyptian antiquities accessioned in 1994 by museums in the United Kingdom JEA 82 193-195, n° 1 |
[8369] | 1995 | Bums, B.E. |
Nourishing the death Preserving eternity. Modern goals, ancient intentions. Egyptian funerary artifacts in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology 26-27 |
[7876] | 1995 | Shaw, I.; Nicholson, P. |
Fayum region (anc. Ta-she, She-resy) British Museum dictionary of Ancient Egypt 98 |
[7516] | 1995 | Close, A.E. |
Few and far between. Early ceramics in North Africa The Emergence of Pottery. Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies 23-37 |
[8594] | 1994 | Pawlikowski, M. |
The correlation between sediments from the Nile Valley in the region of Armant - Qurna and the sediments of the Birket Qarun Lake in the region of Qasr El-Sagha Predynastic settlement near Armant. SAGA 6 132-134 |
[7853] | 1994 | Schön, W. |
The Late Neolithic of Wadi el Akhdar (Gilf Kebir) and the Eastern Sahara Archéologie du Nil Moyen 6 131-175 |
[7756] | 1994 | Michalowski, K.; Corteggiani, J.-P. |
Les sites archéologiques L'art de l'Egypte 2nd. rev. ed. 455-574 |
[7629] | 1994 | Hendrickx, S. |
Antiquités préhistoriques et protodynastiques d'Egypte Guides du département égyptien 8 |