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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[9837] 2000 Leclant, J.; Minault-Gout, A.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1998-1999. Sodmein
Orientalia 69 263-264
[9740] 2000 Geus, F.
Geomorphology and Prehistory of Sai Island (Nubia): Report on a current research project
Recent research into the Stone Age of Northeastern Africa. Studies in African Archaeology 7 119-128
[9574] 2000 Vermeersch, P.M.
Un squelette d'enfant anatomiquement moderne datant du Paléolithique moyen
Encyclopedia Universalis. La science au présent 2000 35
[9567] 2000 Van Peer, P.; Vermeersch, P.M.; Moeyersons, J.
Egyptische grotbewoners, 120.000 jaar moderne mensen
Natuur & Techniek Wetenschapsmagazine 68 (maart 2000) 46-51
[9393] 2000 Leclant, J.; Minault-Gout, A.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1997-1998. Seconde partie. Sai
Orientalia 69 142-144
[9359] 2000 Kleindienst, M.R.
On the Nile corridor and the Out-of-Africa model
Current Anthropology 41 107-109
[9528] 1999 Schild, R.
Geomorphology, stratigraphy and lithology of Prehistoric sites
An archaeological investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt 311-334
[9458] 1999 Nicoll, K.A.; Giegengack, R.; Kleindienst, M.R.
Petrogenesis of artifact-bearing fossil-spring tufa deposits from Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Geoarchaeology 14, 849-863
[9426] 1999 Mercier, N.; Valladas, H.; Froget, L.; Joron, J.-L.; Vermeersch, P.M.; Van Peer, P.
Thermoluminiscence dating of a Middle Palaeolithic occupation at Sodmein Cave, Red Sea Mountains (Egypt)
JAS 26 1339-1345
[9364] 1999 Kobusiewicz, M.
Excavations at Sinai-20, the Split Rock site, Zarnoq locality
An archaeological investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt 193-207
[9279] 1999 Friedman, R.F.; Youngblood, D.
Concession survey
Nekhen News 11 7-8
[9236] 1999 Eddy, F.W.
Interpretive summary
An archaeological investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt 132-136
[9235] 1999 Eddy, F.W.
Analysis of data
An archaeological investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt 119-131
[9234] 1999 Eddy, F.W.
Dating and chronology building
An archaeological investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt 114-118
[9192] 1999 Churcher, C.S.; Kleindienst, M.R.; Schwarcz, H.P.
Faunal remains from a Middle Pleistocene lacustrine marl in Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 154 301-312
[9190] 1999 Churcher, C.S.; Kleindienst, M.R.
Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Denver, Colorado, October 20-23, 1999. Abstracts of Papers. Mid-Pleistocene fauna from Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19,3 suppl. 38A
[9188] 1999 Churcher, C.S.
Our African Eden: Northeast Africa in the Mid-Pleistocene
International Union for Quaternary Research. XV International Congress, Durban, South Africa, 3-11 August 1999, The environmental background to hominid evolution in Africa. Book of abstracts 41
[9125] 1999 Banks, K.M.; Becker, M.S.; Duncan, S.L.; Eddy, F.W.; Fiedorczuk, J.; Kobusiewicz, M.; Miller, J.J.
Description of site localities
An archaeological investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt 22-113
[12421] 1998 Usai, D.
The Is.I.A.O. El Salha project
Kush 18 173-182
[12372] 1998 Geus, F.
Two seasons in Sai Island
Kush 18 61-79
[11939] 1998 Garcea, E.A.A.
Comment to the article by Van Peer, P. The Nile corridor and the Out-of-Africa model: An examination of the archaeological record
Current Anthropology 39, suppl. 131-132
[11141] 1998 Geus, F.
Saï 1996-1997
Archéologie du Nil Moyen 8 85-126
[9076] 1998 Vermeersch, P.M.; Paulissen, E.; Stokes, S.; Charlier, C.; Van Peer, P.; Stringer, C. ao.
A Middle Palaeolithic burial of a modern human at Taramsa Hill, Egypt
Antiquity 72 475-484
[9075] 1998 Vermeersch, P.M.
Fishing along the Nile
XIII ICPPS, Forli, Italia, 8-14 September 1996. Proceedings. 6. Workshops, Tome II 1071-1077
[9074] 1998 Vermeersch, P.M.
Fishing along the Nile
Before food production in North Africa. Questions and tools dealing with resource exploitation and population dynamics at 12,000-7000 bp. XIII U.I.S.P.P. Congress 103-111