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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[7892] 1995 Shaw, I.; Nicholson, P.
British Museum dictionary of Ancient Egypt 224-226
[7799] 1995 Reeves, N.; Spurr, S.
Ancient Egypt at Eton
Egyptian Archaeology 6 19-22
[7789] 1995 Piérini, G.
Acquisitions. Egypte. Marseille. Musée d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne
Revue du Louvre 45,2 72
[7664] 1995 Köhler, E.C.
The state of research on Late Predynastic Egypt: New evidence for the development of the pharaonic state ?
GM 147 79-92
[7663] 1995 Köhler, E.C.
Socio-economic aspects of early pottery production at Tell el-Fara'in / Buto
Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3-9 September 1995. Abstracts of papers 101
[7633] 1995 Hendrickx, S.
Vase decorated with hunting scene. Vase decorated with victory scene. [Catalogue entries]
Africa. The art of a continent 59-60
[7632] 1995 Hendrickx, S.
Pottery at Elkab, from the 4th Millennium B.C. until the Roman period
Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3-9 September 1995. Abstracts of papers 83-84
[7609] 1995 Gophna, R.
Egyptian immigration into Southern Canaan during the First Dynasty ?
Excavations at 'En Besor 247-254
[7608] 1995 Gophna, R.
Egyptian First Dynasty pottery from Tel Halif Terrace
Excavations at 'En Besor 237-246
[7605] 1995 Gophna, R.
The Egyptian pottery of 'En Besor
Excavations at 'En Besor 71-93
[7579] 1995 Galerie Antiker Kunst Hamburg
(Predynastic pottery, stone vessels, flints)
Aegyptiaca n° 1-4, 6-9, 12, 15, 18-21, 24, 28, 32, 40-41, 55, 67, 72-73
[7578] 1995 Fuscaldo, P.
Pottery from the Nubian tombs at Serra West
Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3-9 September 1995. Abstracts of papers 62-63
[7577] 1995 Friedman, R.F.
Female figurine. Bearded male figure. Vessel with rippled decoration. Decorated ostrich egg. Ripple-flaked knife. Boat-shaped mortar. Decorated ('Battlefield') palette. [Catalogue entries]
Africa. The art of a continent 52, 54-58, 60-62, 64-65
[7575] 1995 Freed, R.E.
Bowl with hippopotami. [Catalogue entry]
Africa. The art of a continent 58
[7571] 1995 Fischer, H.G.
The Protodynastic period and Old Kingdom in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im DAIK am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991. DAIK Sonderschrift 28 81-90
[7566] 1995 Eternal Egypt
Pre-Dynastic Egypt
Catalogue "Victory at Khadesh". Egyptian antiquities. April 1995 n° 1-3
[7552] 1995 Eisenberg, J.M.
Egyptian Predynastic pottery vessel. Egyptian Predynastic green schist palette in the form of a bull
Art of the Ancient World. Royal-Athena Galleries n° 71, January 1995 n° 225-226
[7543] 1995 Ede Ltd
Egyptian Predynastic pottery
Charles Ede Ltd. Antiquities. Catalogue 161 n° 30
[7542] 1995 Ede Ltd
(Egyptian Predynastic vessels)
Charles Ede Ltd. Antiquities. Catalogue 160 n° 18-20
[7516] 1995 Close, A.E.
Few and far between. Early ceramics in North Africa
The Emergence of Pottery. Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies 23-37
[7505] 1995 Christie's London
A Predynastic pottery storage jar. A Predynastic painted pottery vase. A granodiorite bowl
Fine Antiquities. Wednesday, 5 July 1995. Sale number 5431 n° 78-80
[7503] 1995 Christie's East
Two Egyptian pottery jars
Antiquities and souvenirs of the Grand Tour. Thursday, November 9, 1995 n° 3
[7502] 1995 Christie's East
Four Egyptian Predynastic black-topped vessels. An Egyptian gneiss bowl
Antiquities and souvenirs of the Grand Tour. Thursday, March 2, 1995. Sale number 7677 n° 1-2
[7501] 1995 Chłodnicki, M.
The stratigraphy of pottery from the Predynastic - Old Kingdom settlement at Tell el Farkha (Eastern Nile Delta)
Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3-9 September 1995. Abstracts of papers 35-36
[7478] 1995 Bonhams
(Predynastic pottery, palette.)
Fine Antiquities. Tuesday 4th July 1995 n° 39-41, 81