Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[16982] | 2019 | Usai, D. |
The Palaeolithic / Stone Age Handbook of ancient Nubia 155-170 |
[16979] | 2019 | Tristant, Y. |
Ouadi Araba Archéologie française en Egypte. Recherche, cooperation, innovation. Bibliothèque Générale 59 244-249 |
[16978] | 2019 | Tristant, Y. |
Abou Rawach, nécropole protodynastique M Archéologie française en Egypte. Recherche, cooperation, innovation. Bibliothèque Générale 59 64-69 |
[16977] | 2019 | Tristant, Y. |
A propos des mastabas de la Ire dynastie à Abou Rawach et quelques dépôts particuliers de coquillages, cornes de boeufs et céramiques observés dans les fondations des tombeaux Sur les pistes du désert. Mélanges offerts à Michel Valloggia 227-242 |
[16974] | 2019 | Thanheiser, U. |
The Dakhleh oasis: A micro-cosmos reflecting environmental and social changes The Oasis Papers 9. A tribute to Anthony J. Mills after forty years of research in Dakhleh oasis. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Projects 25-35 |
[16972] | 2019 | Tassie, G.J. |
Following in Petrie's footsteps: The Naqada regional survey Egyptian Archaeology 54 36-40 |
[16962] | 2019 | Smolik, J. |
Six monstrous zoomorphic Predynastic palettes: Representations of real conjoined twins ? Archéo-Nil 29 179-193 |
[16958] | 2019 | Shirai, N.; Horn, M. |
Flint implements: Serrated sickle blade. Curved knife blade. Axehead. Straight-backed knife blade. Fishtail knife blade. Fishtail knife blade. Dagger blade The Egyptian collection at Norwich Castle Museum: Catalogue and essays 328-332, cat. n° 418-424 |
[16957] | 2019 | Shinn, S. |
Communities of glyptic practice in Predynastic Egypt Invisible archaeologies. Hidden aspects of daily life in ancient Egypt and Nubia 17-25 |
[16954] | 2019 | Sherkova, T.A. |
[Chaos and cosmos: Analysis of the mural from the tomb 100 in Hierakonpolis in context of archaeological and iconographic studies of Predynastic Egypt] [Russian] Egypt and Neighbouring Countries 2019,3 82-100 |
[16951] | 2019 | Sellier, P.; Aoudia, L.; Maines, E.; Chambon, P. |
A Neolithic burial ground from Upper Nubia as seen from recent work at Kadruka 23 (KDK23) Sudan & Nubia 23 68-76 |
[16950] | 2019 | Ségalas, B. |
Functional copper objects and models in funerary context during the Early Dynastic period PES 23 132-151 |
[16948] | 2019 | Schild, R. |
The Combined Prehistoric Expedition on the Nile, Atbara and in the Western Desert When the Sahara was green. Polish research on the Prehistory of north Africa 35-47 |
[16947] | 2019 | Salvatori, S.; Usai, D. |
The Neolithic and 'Pastoralism' along the Nile: a dissenting view Journal of World Prehistory 2019 251-285 |
[16946] | 2019 | Salvatori, S.; Usai, D. |
The Mesolithic and Neolithic in Sudan Handbook of ancient Nubia 171-193 |
[16943] | 2019 | Rowland, J.M. |
Geoffrey John Tassie (1959-2019) Archéo-Nil 29 23-25 |
[16942] | 2019 | Rosińska-Balik, K. |
Architecture Tell el-Farkha. 20 years of Polish excavations 38-43 |
[16940] | 2019 | Riyad, Z.A.E. |
[The votive offerings in the temples of early times in ancient Egypt] [Arabic] Annals of the Faculty of Art Ain Shams University 47 118-153 |
[16939] | 2019 | Rilly, C. |
Les peuples pasteurs. Les cultures protohistoriques: Groupe A, Pré-kerma Histoire et civilisations du Soudan de la préhistoire à nos jours 48-58 |
[16938] | 2019 | Rilly, C. |
Nile Blanc, Nil Bleu, Nil Jaune. Le Soudan à l'aube de l'histoire Histoire et civilisations du Soudan de la préhistoire à nos jours 36-47 |
[16937] | 2019 | Riemer, H.; Kindermann, K. |
Eastern Saharan Prehistory during the 9th to 5th millennium BC: The view from the 'Libyan desert' Handbook of ancient Nubia 195-216 |
[16935] | 2019 | Raue, D. |
Cultural diversity of Nubia in the later 3rd - mid 2nd millennium BC Handbook of ancient Nubia 293-333 |
[16934] | 2019 | Proussakov, D.B. |
["Animal style" before the pharaohs: Egyptian Predynastic rock-art and handicraft representations as a palaeogeographical source (return to the problem] [Russian] [Orientalistica] 2,3 493-538 |
[16933] | 2019 | Proussakov, D.B. |
[The hypothesis of the "land of outpouring the river": On the Prehistory of the first cataract in the context of hydrology of the Mid-Holocene Nile] [Russian] [Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences] 3,9 12-31 |
[16930] | 2019 | Polkowski, P.L. |
Ladies, sandals and giraffes. Four decades of rock art research by the Dakhleh Oasis Project The Oasis Papers 9. A tribute to Anthony J. Mills after forty years of research in Dakhleh oasis. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Projects 9-24 |