Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[17115] | 2020 | Chłodnicki, M. |
[Neolithic pottery from central Sudan] [Polish] Studies in African Archaeology 6 |
[17113] | 2020 | Charles Ede Ltd. |
Egyptian terracotta black-top vase Digital catalogue 1. October 2020 n° 21 |
[17112] | 2020 | Charles Ede Ltd. |
Egyptian green schist bowl Christmas 2020 n° 1 |
[17105] | 2020 | Castillos, J.J. |
Developing a national identity in early Egypt GM 262 109-116 |
[17095] | 2020 | Cahn, J.-D. |
A cosmetic palette in the shape of a fish. A bird-shaped vessel Animals and hybrids. Catalogue 25 n° 1-2 |
[17094] | 2020 | Butzer, K.W. |
Landscapes and environmental history of the Nile valley: A critical review and prospectus The Oxford handbook of egyptology 99-124 |
[17091] | 2020 | Bussmann, R. |
Civilisation and writing: A view from early Egypt Dialogue of civilisations. A comparison between centres of different world civilisations 181-219 |
[17088] | 2020 | Buchez, N.; Guérin, S.; Elhajaoui, R.; Minotti, M.; Bajeot, J.; Midant-Reynes, B.; Briois, F.; Lesur, J.; Preiss, S. & Emery-Barbier, A. |
Egypte 2020. Tell el-Iswid Bulletin archéologique des Ecoles françaises à l'étranger |
[17073] | 2020 | Brémont, A. |
On an incised palette from the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Date, suggested provenance, and use practices of grinding palettes with engraved animal figures JNES 79,2 225-244 |
[17066] | 2020 | Bonhams |
A large Egyptian black-topped pottery jar. An Egyptian pottery 'net' jar. An Egyptian serpentine jar. An Egyptian pottery wavy-handled jar Antiquities. 23 July 2020. Sale 25881 n° 111-114 |
[17065] | 2020 | Bonhams |
A miniature Egyptian pottery double-bodied jar. An Egyptian green schist fish palette Antiquities. 1 December 2020. Sale 26258 n° 5, 11 |
[17064] | 2020 | Bonhams |
A large Egyptian Black-topped pottery jar. An Egyptian pottery 'net' jar. An Egyptian serpentine jar. An Egyptian pottery Wavy-handled jar Antiquities. 23 July 2020 n° 111-144 |
[17063] | 2020 | Bonhams |
A miniature Egyptian pottery double-bodied jar. An Egyptian green schist fish palette Antiquities. 1 December 2020 n° 5, 11 |
[17060] | 2020 | Bobrowski, P.; Lityńska-Zając, M.; Osypińska, M. & Jórdeczka, M. |
The early Holocene archaeological evidence (site E-05-1) in Bargat El-Shab (Western desert Egypt) Archaeologia Polona 58 195-220 |
[17059] | 2020 | Bobrowski, P. |
African research of Michal Kobusiewicz: Calender and bibliography Archaeologia Polona 58 17-38 |
[17055] | 2020 | Bicho, N.; Haws, J. & Honegger, M. |
First results of a Middle Stone Age survey in the Kerma region, northern Sudan Antiquity 94, 376 project gallery e19 |
[17054] | 2020 | Beyin, A.; Adam, A.A.; Balela, A.A.O. & Adem, B.A. |
Results of the second season of Paleolithic survey in the Agig area: The Red Sea region of the Sudan Sudan & Nubia 24 258-271 |
[17053] | 2020 | Bestock, L. |
Early Dynastic Egypt The Oxford history of the ancient Near East. Vol. 1. From the beginnings to Old Kingdom Egypt and the Dynasty of Akkad 245-315 |
[17050] | 2020 | Barta, M. |
Guards of the caverns in Gilf Kebir: "Headless beasts" or baboons ? Guardian of ancient Egypt. Studies in honor of Zahi Hawass vol I: 191-203 |
[17049] | 2020 | Barta, M. |
Visible and yet concealed: Agency and form in some early Old Kingdom tombs in ancient Egypt Ritual landscape and performance. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ritual Landscape and Performance, Yale University, September 23-24, 2016 1-24 |
[17046] | 2020 | Barich, B.E. |
Comment to: "Christiana Köhler, Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt - An epistemological analysis" Ägypten und Levante 30 59-65 |
[17045] | 2020 | Barford, P.M. |
Green Saharas, grey markets: Commercial exploitation of north African prehistory, an overview Archaeologia Polona 58 311-336 |
[17041] | 2020 | Bakry, A.; Saied, A. & Ibrahim, D. |
The Oldowan in the Egyptian Nile valley Journal of African Archaeology 18 229-241 |
[17036] | 2020 | Bajeot, J.; Caricola, I.; Medeghini, L. Vinciguerra, V. & Forte, V. |
An integrated approach based on archaeometry, use-wear analysis and experimental archaeology to investigate the function of a specific type of basin diffused in the Predynastic sites of lower Egypt (4th mill. BC) Quaternary International 555 135-149 |
[17029] | 2020 | Baba, M. |
HK6: Life on the edge Nekhen News 32 19-20 |