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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caireof Oriental Archaeology - Cairo

Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[10208] 2001 Usai, D.
Short note on new Early Khartoum-related sites from Letti basin, Upper Nubia
Atti della Prima Giornata di Studi Nubiani. Roma, 24 aprile 1998 17-24
[10201] 2001 Smith, J.R.
Geoarchaeology, stable-isotope geochemistry, and geochronology of fossil-spring tufas, Western Desert, Egypt
[10200] 2001 Smith, J.R.
Geoarchaeology, stable-isotope geochemistry, and geochronology of fossil-spring tufas, Western Desert, Egypt
DAI-B 62/05 (nov. 2001) 2224
[10163] 2001 Nelson, K.
The pottery of Nabta Playa: A summary
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 534-543
[10162] 2001 Nelson, K.
Site E-75-8: A slice through time
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 386-411
[10161] 2001 Muzzolini, A.
Les relations entre l'Egypte et le Sahara aux temps néolithiques
África Antigua. El antiguo Egipto, una civilización africana. Actas de la IX Semana de Estudios Africanos del Centre d'Estudis Africans de Barcelona (18-22 de marzo de 1996). Aula Aegyptiaca Studia 1 205-217, 295-297
[10159] 2001 Mohammed, A.A.
Site E-94-2: A Late Neolithic occupation at Nabta
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 412-426
[10149] 2001 Mathieu, B.
Travaux de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale en 2000-2001. Ouâdi 'Allâqi
BIFAO 101 568-569
[10148] 2001 Mathieu, B.
Travaux de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale en 2000-2001. 'Ayn Manâwir (oasis de Kharga)
BIFAO 101 492-507
[10142] 2001 Magid, A.O.A.
Report on a study of plant impressions in pottery from sites E-94-3 and E-94-1 at Nabta Playa in Egypt
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 607-608
[10133] 2001 Leclant, J.; Minault-Gout, A.
Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan, 1999-2000. Zone de la IVe Cataracte
Orientalia 70 469-470
[10106] 2001 Królik, H.; Schild, R.
Site E-75-6: An El Nabta and Al Jerar village
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 111-146
[10105] 2001 Królik, H.; Fiedorczuk, J.
Site E-92-7: An Al Jerar and Late Neolithic settlement
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 331-351
[10083] 2001 Irish, J.D.
Human skeletal remains from three Nabta Playa sites
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 521-528
[10077] 2001 Honegger, M.
Evolution de la société dans le bassin de Kerma (Soudan) des derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs au premier royaume de Nubie
BSFE 152 12-27
[10064] 2001 Hather, J.
Sites E-75-6 and E-91-1: Identification of parenchymateous tissues from Nabta Playa
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 603-604
[10056] 2001 George, U.
Atlantis im Sand
Geo Special 5 (Okt./Nov. 2001) 110-119
[10055] 2001 Gautier, A.
The Early to Late Neolithic archeofaunas from Nabta and Bir Kiseiba
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 609-635
[10021] 2001 Close, A.E.; Wendorf, F.
Site E-77-7 revisited: The Early Neolithic of El Adam type at El Gebal El Beid Playa
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 57-70
[10020] 2001 Close, A.E.
Site E-75-8: Additional excavation of the Seventh Millennium site at Nabta Playa
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 352-385
[10019] 2001 Close, A.E.
Sites E-91-3 and E-91-4: The Early Neolithic of El Adam type at Nabta Playa
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 71-96
[10013] 2001 Butler, A.
Site E-75-6: Small-seeded legumes in the plant remains from Nabta Playa
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 601-602
[10005] 2001 Bocheński, Z.; Tomek, T.
Holocene bird remains from Nabta
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 636-647
[10003] 2001 Barakat, H.N.
Anthracological studies in the Neolithic sites of Nabta Playa, South Egypt
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 592-600
[9999] 2001 Applegate, A.; Zedeno, N.
Site E-92-9: A possible Late Neolithic solar calendar
Holocene settlement of the Egyptian Sahara. Volume 1. The archaeology of Nabta Playa 463-467