Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[17462] | 2020 | Morenz, L.D.; Sabel, D. & Förster, F. |
Real presence' in liminal areas: Images of feet and footprints in third millennium Egypt and their Prehistoric precursors In the footsteps of the masters. Footprints, feet and shoes as objects of veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture 7 117-142 |
[17459] | 2020 | Morenz, L.D. |
The development of Egyptian writing in the fourth and early third millennium bce A companion to ancient Near Eastern languages 47-64 |
[17458] | 2020 | Morenz, L.D. |
The Early Dynastic period The Oxford handbook of egyptology 596-618 |
[17456] | 2020 | Moock, S. |
Zwischen Masse und Qualität - Altägyptische Steingefässe in Hannover ausstellen Für die Ewigkeit! Altägyptische Steingefässe. Aegyptiaca Kestneriana 1 27-28 |
[17450] | 2020 | Mills, A.J. |
Preface The Oasis Papers 8. Pleistocene research in the western desert of Egypt. Dakhleh Oasis Project Monograph 20 V |
[17447] | 2020 | Midant-Reynes, B. & Tristant, Y. |
La violence à l'époque prédynastique Archéo-Nil 30 37-56 |
[17443] | 2020 | Midant-Reynes, B. |
Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt - An epistemological analysis by E. Christiana Köhler, Vienna. Commentary Ägypten und Levante 30 115-117 |
[17438] | 2020 | Medici, P. |
An interdisciplinary analysis on the state formation and kingship in the Predynastic Egypt |
[17431] | 2020 | Maydana, S.F. |
Los sueños de la razón. Consideraciones sobre las imágenes de monstruos en el antiguo Egipto Boletín de Estética 52 9-44 |
[17425] | 2020 | Masojć, M.; Gismallah, A.H.; Michalec, G.; Galas, A. & Jórdeczka, M. |
Acheulean bifaces from Khor Shambat, Omdurman (Sudan), comparative studies in the Nubian context Archaeologia Polona 58 39-62 |
[17421] | 2020 | Manzo, A. |
Clash of civilisations on the First Cataract? A southern point of view, from old assumptions to new complexities Ägypten und Levante 30 101-113 |
[17416] | 2020 | Małecka-Drozd, N. |
The Nile delta during the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods. Preliminary remarks on the evolution of settlement landscape PAM 29,2 13-58 |
[17414] | 2020 | Maillot, M. |
Un siècle de fouilles archéologiques au Soudan 50 ans section française de la direction des antiquités du Soudan 153-187 |
[17406] | 2020 | Mączyńska, A. |
Recent reserch on Neolithic and Predynastic development in the Egyptian Nile valley Archaeologia Polona 58 235-243 |
[17405] | 2020 | Mączyńska, A. |
Shaky foundations of the Egyptian civilistion. Response article to Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt - An epistemological analysis by E. Christiana Köhler, Vienna Ägypten und Levante 30 95-100 |
[17402] | 2020 | Lyon & Turnbull |
Collection of Predynastic Egyptian tools. Collection of Predynastic arrowheads. Predynastic Egyptian jar. Ancient Egyptian cosmetics palette. Ancient Egyptian vessel African & Oceanic art and antiquities. 16th September 2020. Edinburgh n° 58-60, 63-64 |
[17396] | 2020 | Lucarini, G. & Radini, A. |
First direct evidence of wild plant grinding process from the Holocene Sahara: Use-wear and plant micro-residue analysis on ground stone tools from the Farafra oasis, Egypt Quaternary International 555 66-84 |
[17390] | 2020 | Loeben, C.E. |
Katalog der Leihgaben im Museum August Kestner Für die Ewigkeit! Altägyptische Steingefässe. Aegyptiaca Kestneriana 1 71-76 |
[17388] | 2020 | Lightbody, D.I. |
On the origins of the cartouche and encircling symbolism in Old Kingdom pyramids |
[17387] | 2020 | Lightbody, D.I. |
Egyptian alabaster: New light on the alabaster vessels of ancient Egypt Nile Magazine 25 (May-June 2020) 33-40 |
[17379] | 2020 | Langlois, O.; Chambon, P. & Sellier, P. |
Trente-cinq ans d'archéologie préhistorique à Kadrouka. Cimetières et habitats néolithiques dans une concession menacée 50 ans section française de la direction des antiquités du Soudan 97-125 |
[17377] | 2020 | Lacher-Raschdorff, C. |
Umm el-Qaab VIII. Das Grab des Königs Peribsen. Archäologie und Architektur AV 128. |
[17372] | 2020 | Kuronuma, T. |
Large jars, small cups: Observation of the Predynastic pottery placement in the cemeteries at Naqada, Upper Egypt Ancient Egypt 2017: Perspectives of research 111-120 |
[17367] | 2020 | Kuhn, R. |
Palette The encyclopedia of ancient history |
[17366] | 2020 | Kuhn, R. |
Prestigegeschirr für die Elite - Steingefässe in den Königsgräbern und der höchsten Beamtenschicht während der 1. und 2. Dynastie Für die Ewigkeit! Altägyptische Steingefässe. Aegyptiaca Kestneriana 1 45-50 |