Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[17519] | 2020 | Richards, L.B. |
The ancient Egyptian conception of god: From the Predynastic through the Old Kingdom (ca. 3800-2135 B.C.E.) Journal for Semitics 29,2 1-16 |
[17517] | 2020 | Regev, J.; Paz, S.; Greenberg, R. & Boaretto, E. |
Radiocarbon chronology of the EB I–II and II–III transitions at Tel Bet Yerah, and its implications for the nature of social change in the southern Levant Levant 51,1 54-75 |
[17516] | 2020 | Reader, C. |
The geomorphological evidence for the Early Dynastic origins of the Great Sphinx of Giza: A response to Drs. Lehner and Hawass Proceedings of the Fourth British Egyptology Congress, University of Manchester, 7-9 September 2018 109-123 |
[17515] | 2020 | Rayne, L.; Gatto, M.C.; Abdulaati, L.; Al-Haddad, M.; Sterry, M.; Sheldrick, N. & Mattingly, D. |
Detecting change at archaeological sites in north Africa using open-source satellite imagery Remote Sensing 12(22) 3694 |
[17514] | 2020 | Rampersad, S.R. |
Commodity branding and textual potmarks: Three bread mould intaglios from Tell Gabbara JEA 106 187-198 |
[17511] | 2020 | Polkowski, P.L. |
World of images or imaginary world ? Rock art, landscape, and agency in the western desert of Egypt Epigraphy through five millennia: Texts and images in context. SDAIK 43 255-284 |
[17510] | 2020 | Polkowski, P.L. |
Animal Hill - A large prehistoric rock art site CO178 in the central Dakhleh oasis, Egypt Archaeologia Polona 58 289-310 |
[17507] | 2020 | Pieri, A.; Friedman, R.F. & Dougherty, S. |
Ritual violence in early Egypt: A view from Hierakonpolis Rituelle Gewalt - Rituale der Gewalt. Ritual violence - rituals of violence. 12. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 10. bis 12. Oktober 2019 in Halle (Saale). Tagungen des Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle 22/1 497-514 |
[17506] | 2020 | Pieri, A. |
Before the fort: Gleanings from the Fort Cemetery at HK27 Nekhen News 32 9-10 |
[17505] | 2020 | Pieke, G. |
Altägyptische Gefässe von ewiger Schönheit. Ein Ausstellung zu antikem Kunsthandwerk in den Reiss-Engelhorn Museen Mannheim Für die Ewigkeit! Altägyptische Steingefässe. Aegyptiaca Kestneriana 1 17-22 |
[17503] | 2020 | Pennington, B.T.; Wilson, P.; Sturt, F. & Brown, A.G. |
Landscape change in the Nile delta before the fourth millennium BC: A new perspective on the Egyptian Predynastic and Protodynastic periods World Archaeology 52,45 550-565 |
[17500] | 2020 | Pätznick, J.-P. |
L'éléphant sur le signe des trois collines et Hiérakonpolis Environment and religion in ancient and Coptic Egypt: Sensing the cosmos through the eyes of the divine. Proceedings of the 1st Egyptological conference of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology: 1-3 February 2017 341-352 |
[17492] | 2020 | Osypińska, M.; Osypiński, P.; Chłodnicki, M.; Kuc, M.; Wiktorowicz, P. & Ryndziewicz, R. |
The PalaeoAffad Project and the prehistory of the Middle Nile Archaeologia Polona 58 79-98 |
[17489] | 2020 | Orriols-Llonch, M. |
Predynastic tusks and penis sheaths: A new interpretation Archéo-Nil 30 149-167 |
[17484] | 2020 | Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch |
Cylindrical red pottery vase. Cylindrical pottery jar. Tall alabaster jar. Speckled diorite twin-handled jar A winter exhibition. Four thousand years of ancient art n° 6-9 |
[17483] | 2020 | Oliver Forge Brendan Lynch |
Greywacke palette. Greywacke dish. Speckled diorite twin-handled jar. Tall alabaster jar 'The past is a foreign country' Ancient art from the Mediterranean n° 25-26, 28, 31 |
[17481] | 2020 | Odler, M. & Kmošek, J. |
Invisible connections. An archaeometallurgical analysis of the Bronze Age metalwork from the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig Archaeopress Egyptology 31 |
[17480] | 2020 | Noc, E. |
The SIGSaqqâra project: Presentation of some technical aspects Ancient Egypt 2017: Perspectives of research 176-180 |
[17479] | 2020 | Nilsson, M. & Ward, J. |
Rock art through the ages: Rupestrian memoranda at Gebel el-Silsila Epigraphy through five millennia: Texts and images in context. SDAIK 43 235-254 |
[17478] | 2020 | Nilsson, M. & Ward, J. |
A Predynastic chieftain The rock art context of the Mentuhotep II panel at Shatt el-Rigal Ancient Egypt (July - August 2020) 34-41 |
[17476] | 2020 | Nigro, L.; Gallo, E.; Gharib, R.; Mura, F.; Macri, M. & Rinaldi, T. |
An Egyptian green schist palette and an amazonite gemstone from the "Palace of the copper axes" at Batrawy, Jordan Vicino Oriente 24 1-26 |
[17474] | 2020 | Newman, J. |
Seeing green at Hierakonpolis: Copper and copper-related industries at HK11C Nekhen News 32 17-18 |
[17469] | 2020 | Mutri, G.; Barich, B.E. & Lucarini, G. |
Correction to: The early Holocene lithic tradition of the northern Farafra plateau (tenth-ninth millennia cal BP): Its significance in the egyptian western desert AAR 37 413 |
[17468] | 2020 | Mutri, G.; Barich, B.E. & Lucarini, G. |
The early Holocene lithic tradition of the northern Farafra plateau (tenth-ninth millennia cal BP): Its significance in the Egyptian western desert AAR 37 383-411 |
[17463] | 2020 | Morenz, L.D.; Said, A. & Abdelhay, M. |
Binnenkolonisation am Beginn des ägyptischen Staates. Eine Fallstudie zur Domäne des Königs Skorpion im späten Vierten Jahrtausend v. Chr. Katarakt, Assuaner Archäologische Arbeitspapiere 1 |