Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[17669] | 2020 | Butterlin, P.; Naccaro, H. & de Miroschedji, P. |
Le Proche-Orient au début du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. Atlas historique du Proche-Orient ancien 44 |
[17668] | 2020 | Bussmann, R.; Vanthuyne, B.; Miniaci, G.; Taccola, E. & Tiribilli, E. |
Zawyet Sultan. First preliminary report. Survey of seasons 2015, 2017, 2019 MDAIK 76-77 43-62 |
[17662] | 2020 | Bubosson, J. |
Cattle culture in ancient Nubia The Oxford handbook of ancient Nubia 909-926 |
[17626] | 2020 | Álvarez, M.S. |
El origen del estado en Egipto y Mesopotamia: indicios de coerción y violencia en la Paleta de Narmer y el Vaso de Uruk Revista Historiar 2,2 48-62 |
[17615] | 2020 | Zurinaga Fernández-Toribio, S. |
España en la campaña de salvamento de la Unesco en Nubia: 1960-1972 |
[17607] | 2020 | Welc, F. & Bobrowski, P. |
Results of the geophysical survey in Bargat El-Shab in southern Egypt. Insight into the early Holocene settlement pattern of the El Nabta / Al Jerar interphase Archaeologia Polona 58 221-234 |
[17600] | 2020 | Varadzinová, L. & Varadzin, L. |
The first notes on the second Khartoum Mesolithic cemetery at Jebel Sabaloka (Sudan) Archaeologia Polona 58 121-134 |
[17594] | 2020 | Vandenbeusch, M. |
Sur les pas de l'âne dans la religion égyptienne |
[17588] | 2020 | van den Bercken, B. |
Een schaal van koning Schorpioen Allard Pierson Mededelingen 122 15 |
[17586] | 2020 | Usai, D. |
The Qadan, the Jebel Sahaba cemetery and the lithic collection Archaeologia Polona 58 99-119 |
[17581] | 2020 | Tiribilli, E.; Bussmann, R.; Miniaci, G.; Taccola, E. & Vanthuyne, B. |
The joint mission at Zawyet Sultan: Preliminary report of the 2015, 2017, 2019 seasons at the site and current related research projects RISE 8 151-179 |
[17579] | 2020 | Tessier Sarrou & associés |
Vase black top. Vase ovoïde Tableaux, mobilier et objets d'art. Mardi 21 juillet 2020. Paris - Hôtel Drouot n° 374, 376 |
[17572] | 2020 | Takenouchi, K. |
Special stones from a special place: Stone vessels at HK29A Nekhen News 32 11-12 |
[17570] | 2020 | Tahir, Y.F. |
Cairns and below: The el-Ga'ab depression, western Dongola Reach Sudan & Nubia 24 112-118 |
[17568] | 2020 | Stuker |
Schminkpalette. Schminkpalette in Gestalt eines Fisches. Schminkpalette in Gestalt einer Nilschildkröte. Lot, bestehend aus drei Schnurösengefässen. Lot, bestehend aus 25 Pfeilspitzen Kunst der Antike und Präkolumbianische Kunst aus der Sammlung Elsa Bloch-Diener. Frühling 2018 n° 501-505 |
[17564] | 2020 | Stauder, A. |
Iri-Hor: Elaborations of an early royal name GM 262 201-207 |
[17553] | 2020 | Sotheby's London |
A fragmentary Egyptian banded alabaster jar. An Egyptian alabaster jar. An Egyptian alabaster jar The beauty within: The Chenel collection. London, 17 December 2020. L20263 n° 37, 46, 51 |
[17552] | 2020 | Sotheby's London |
An Egyptian alabaster jar. Four miniature vessels Ancient sculpture and works of art. London, 17 december 2020 n° 52, 70 |
[17545] | 2020 | Shirai, N. |
Resisters, vacillators or laggards? Reconsidering the first farmer-herders in Prehistoric Egypt Journal of World Prehistory 33 457-512 |
[17540] | 2020 | Sherkova, T.A. |
[Material sources of Predynastic Egypt in the context of the concept of "cultural memory"] [Russian] [Bulletin of Science and Practice] [Russian] 6,10 387-409 |
[17539] | 2020 | Sherkova, T.A. |
[Predynastic Egypt - The bosom of ancient Egyptian civilization] [Russian] [Bulletin of the Nizhnevartovsk State University] [Russian] 4 5-14 |
[17536] | 2020 | Seyr, P. |
Altägyptische Steingefässe - Eine kleine Einführung Für die Ewigkeit! Altägyptische Steingefässe. Aegyptiaca Kestneriana 1 29-44 |
[17530] | 2020 | Schild, R. |
The African chapter in the scientific life of professor Michał Kobusiewicz Archaeologia Polona 58 9-16 |
[17525] | 2020 | Routledge, C. |
Western Asia The Oxford handbook of egyptology 514-539 |
[17520] | 2020 | Risch, R. |
The glorification of violence at the dawn of class exploitation Rituelle Gewalt - Rituale der Gewalt. Ritual violence - rituals of violence. 12. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 10. bis 12. Oktober 2019 in Halle (Saale). Tagungen des Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle 22/1 149-163 |