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Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography

Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan

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[10853] 2003 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
Chronology and local traditions: The representation of power and the royal name in the Late Predynastic period
Archéo-Nil 13 93-142
[10852] 2003 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
Two proto-kingdoms in Lower Nubia in the Fourth Millennium B.C
Cultural markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and recent research. Studies in African Archaeology 8 251-268
[10851] 2003 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
The first serekhs: Political change and regional conventions
Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists. Cairo, 2000. Vol. 3. Language, Conservation, Museology 242-251
[10815] 2003 Hendrickx, S.; Huyge, D.; Adams, B.
Le scorpion en silex du Musée royal de Mariemont et les silex figuratifs de l'Egypte pré- et protodynastique
Les Cahiers de Mariemont 28-29 6-33
[10730] 2003 Glück, B.
Das Totenbrauchtum der nubischen A-Gruppe
Altorientalische Forschungen 30 105-126
[10703] 2003 Flores, D.V.
Funerary sacrifice of animals in the Egyptian Predynastic period
BAR International series 1153
[10620] 2003 Brass, M.
Tracing the origins of the ancient Egyptian cattle cult
A Delta-man in Yebu. Occasional Volume of the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum 1 101-110
[10437] 2002 Kansa, E.; Hendrickx, S.; Levy, T.E.; van den Brink, E.C.M.
Nahal Tillah reed decorated pottery: Aspects of Early Bronze Age IB ceramic production and Egyptian counterparts
In quest of ancient settlements and landscapes. Archaeological studies in honour of Ram Gophna 193-218
[10404] 2002 Hendrickx, S.; Bavay, L.
The relative chronological position of Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic tombs with objects imported from the Near East and the nature of interregional contacts
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 58-80
[10400] 2002 Hendrickx, S.
Checklist of Predynastic "Decorated" pottery with human figures
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 3/4 29-50
[10385] 2002 Gophna, R.; van den Brink, E.C.M.
Core-periphery interaction between the pristine Egyptian Naqada IIIb state, Late Early Bronze Age I Canaan, and Terminal A-Group Lower Nubia: More data
Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the early 3rd Millennium B.C.E 280-285
[10310] 2002 Campagno, M.
De los jefes-parientes a los reyes-dioses. Surgimiento y consolidación del Estado en el antiguo Egipto
Aula Aegyptiaca Studia 3
[10587] 2001 Anselin, A.
Les hiéroglyphes de l'architecture et l'histoire de l'Egypte antique (quatrième millénaire avant J.-C.)
Africa Antigua. El antiguo Egipto, una civilización africana. Actas de la IX Semana de Estudios Africanos del Centre d'Estudis Africans de Barcelona (18-22 de marzo de 1996). Aula Aegyptiaca Studia 1 21-40, 269-272
[10209] 2001 van den Brink, E.C.M.
The pottery-incised serekh-signs of Dynasties 0-1. Part II: Fragments and additional complete vessels
Archéo-Nil 11 23-100
[10097] 2001 Kahl, J.
Hieroglyphic writing during the Fourth Millennium BC: An analysis of systems
Archéo-Nil 11 101-134
[10062] 2001 Hartung, U.
Umm el-Qaab II. Importkeramik aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umm el-Qaab) und die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr
Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 92
[10006] 2001 Bongrani, L.
Documenti di regalità faraonica nella fase culturale avanzata dei Gruppi-A
Atti della Prima Giornata di Studi Nubiani. Roma, 24 aprile 1998 35-42
[11963] 2000 Ohshiro, M.
The Nubian A-group and the Qustul incense burner: A view of the formation period of ancient Egypt
Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 43,1 103-118
[11090] 2000 Ward, C.A.
Sacred and secular: Ancient Egyptian ships and boats
[10175] 2000 Pérez Largacha, A.
La legitimación del poder a través del arte Predinástico
Arte y sociedad del Egipto antiguo 139-155
[9596] 2000 Williams, B.B.
New light on relations between early Egypt and the Sudan
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 1 5-19
[9441] 2000 Morkot, R.G.
The elephant
The black pharaohs. Egypt's Nubian rulers 37-58
[9118] 2000 Anselin, A.
Les hiéroglyphes de l'architecture et l'histoire de l'Egypte antique (quatrième millénaire avant J.C.)
Tyanaba 4 202-223
[9117] 2000 Anselin, A.
Les hiéroglyphes des bateaux. Sociétés littorales et sociétés fluviales dans la protohistoire de l'Egypte antique - sociétés proto-dynastiques des plaines de confluence et du delta
Studia Africana 11 109-117
[9793] 1999 Jiménez-Serrano, A.
¿Fue Horus Pe monarca de Qustul? Discusión e hipótesis acerca de un serekh encontrado en la tumba L2 de Qustul
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología 9 7-17