Bibliographie de l’Égypte des OriginesEarly Egypt Bibliography
Bibliographie de la préhistoire et de la protohistoire de l’Égypte et du Nord du SoudanBibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan
17981 référencesreferences (720 pages)
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[17074] | 2021 | Brémont, A. |
Newcomers in the bestiary. A review of the presence of Lycaon pictus in late Predynastic and Early Dynastic environment and iconography The ancient Egyptians & the natural world. Flora, fauna & science 61-70 |
[17072] | 2021 | Braun, E. |
"External interaction" in the fourth millennium ancient Near East: Comparing and contrasting Egyptian colonial activity in the southern Levant with the Uruk Expansion Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 45-64 |
[17071] | 2021 | Braun, E. |
Chronological correlations: South Levantine EB1 and Egypt in light of new radiocarbon dates from Arad Egypte antérieure. Mélanges de préhistoire et d'archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis. OLA 304 81-111 |
[17069] | 2021 | Bonhams |
Four Egyptian pottery vessels. An Egyptian black-topped pottery jar. An Egyptian basalt footed jar. An Egyptian basalt jar. An Egyptian andesite porphyry bowl Antiquities, 6 July 2021 n° 124-128 |
[17068] | 2021 | Bonhams |
An Egyptian Black-topped pottery jar Antiquities. 7 December 2021 n° 1 |
[17067] | 2021 | Bonhams |
Four Egyptian pottery vessels. An Egyptian Black-topped pottery jar. An Egyptian basalt footed jar. An Egyptian basalt jar. An Egyptian andesite porphyry bowl Antiquities. 6 July 2021 n° 124-128 |
[17062] | 2021 | Böhm, H. |
The faunal remains of the Early Dynastic necropolis of Helwan Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 21-43 |
[17061] | 2021 | Boele, V. |
'A curious feature was the presence of several ivory or bone rods': Ancient mikado or something completely different? Egyptian Delta archaeology. Short studies in honour of Willem van Haarlem 33-38 |
[17058] | 2021 | Blöbaum, A.I. |
Types of sealings and sealed objects: Main features and new aspects Keep out! Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom cylinder seals and sealings in context. Menes 7 257-287 |
[17057] | 2021 | Bietak, M. |
Willem van Haarlem, an appreciation Egyptian Delta archaeology. Short studies in honour of Willem van Haarlem 23-25 |
[17052] | 2021 | Begon, M. |
nd = "roi de Ta Sety (Basse-Nubie)" ENiM 14 183-188 |
[17051] | 2021 | Begon, M. |
Le 'poteau cultuel thinite': Un élément méconnu de l'architecture religieuse sous la 1re dynastie The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture 5 1-6 |
[17048] | 2021 | Barich, B.E. |
Residential mobility and sedentism from Early to Mid-Holocene in the oases and the Egyptian western desert Evolution des sociétés humaines de la préhistoire à la protohistoire. Meknès, 2-7 septembre 2021. Receuil des résumés S20-B, 22 |
[17047] | 2021 | Barich, B.E. |
Rethinking the north African revolution - The multifaceted aspects of a long-lasting revolution Revolutions. The neolithisation of the Mediterranean basin: The transition to food-producing economies in north Africa, southern Europe, and the Levant. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 68 19-44 |
[17044] | 2021 | Barba, P. |
Power, personhood and changing emotional engagement with children's burial during the Egyptian Predynastic Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31,2 211-228 |
[17043] | 2021 | Barba, P. |
Objectual violence: Some remarks on deliberate pottery fragmentation from Predynastic Egypt Archéo-Nil 31 13-28 |
[17042] | 2021 | Baqué-Manzano, L. |
The conqueror of the riverline: On a four-legged White Cross-lined bowl from the Museo Egizio (S.1825), Turin Archéo-Nil 31 29-40 |
[17038] | 2021 | Bakhiet, F.H. |
The archaeology of the Sabaloka region Bayuda and its neighbours. Nubia 1 153-167 |
[17037] | 2021 | Baker, B.J. & Gabr, A. |
Hyperostosis frontalis interna in the Early Dynastic period at Abydos, Egypt The ancient Egyptians & the natural world. Flora, fauna & science 23-30 |
[17035] | 2021 | Bajeot, J. & Buchez, N. |
The evolution of Lower Egyptian culture during the formative stages of the Egyptian state at Tell el-Iswid: The contribution of ceramic technology AAR 38 113-146 |
[17034] | 2021 | Baines, J. |
Invisibility, place and movement: Ancient Egyptian sacred images and their contexts Enthüllen und Verbergen in der Vormoderne / Revealing and concealing the Premodern period 63-85 |
[17033] | 2021 | Baduel, N. & Walter, P. |
L'importance du matériau au Prédynastique. L'exemple du minerai vert et l'apport exceptionnel d'Adaïma: Choix qui sous-tendent les prospections et hypothèses d'aprovisionnement à partir des analyses physico-chimiques Egypte antérieure. Mélanges de préhistoire et d'archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis. OLA 304 43-57 |
[17031] | 2021 | Baba, M. |
Ceramic assemblages from HK11C at Hierakonpolis: Specialization examined Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017. OLA 303 1-20 |
[17030] | 2021 | Baba, M. |
Firing temperature of Predynastic pottery from Hierakonpolis Remove that pyramid. Studies on the archaeology and history of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. OLA 305 65-74 |
[17027] | 2021 | Avrutis, V.W. & Braun, E. |
Imported artefacts from Early Bronze I tombs at Nesher-Ramla, Israel and their chronological significance Remove that pyramid. Studies on the archaeology and history of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. OLA 305 49-64 |